St. Stephen High School

Role of PSSC
  • Advise the Principal on the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan
  • Participate in the selection of the Principal and Vice-Principal(s)
  • Review results of the School Report Card
  • Advise principal in development of school policies in accordance with district, and provincial policies
  • Provide on request of the Superintendent, input on performance evaluation of the principal, vice-principal(s) relating to the PSSC
  • Communicate with the District Education Council (DEC) relating to PSSC.

Responsibilities of Members
  • Participate in all committee meetings
  • Maintain high ethical standards
  • Respect other Committee members
  • Work collectively toward improved education development, student achievement
  • Limit discussion to matters of concern, in the best interest of the whole school community
  • Work for a positive consensus-building school environment
  • Support open communication
  • Create and strengthens successful relations between parents, teachers, students, school staff, community
  • Encourage all forms of parental involvement and support;
  • Follow principles established by the Committee to achieve goals and objectives identified in the School Improvement Plan
  • Encourages parents to support education
​ February 13th, 2023

6:00pm – 8:30pm

Attendees            Krista Amos – Principal

Heather Estey – PSSC Chair

Jennifer Wiper – PSSC Secretary

Jennifer Gowan – PSSC Member

Mary Dow – PSSC Member


1)     School Improvement Plan Review

The Plan is on a 3-year cycle; 2019 start to most recent plan which was just completed (extended due to COVID). New cycle just initiated with the most recent Professional Learning Day dedicated to new plan (full document to be shared with PSSC), which has 3 major goals:


·        Objective 1 – positive recognition by staff and students of academic and pro-social behaviours to reinforce intrinsic motivation and to promote student mental fitness and resilience.

·        Objective 2 – high academic and behavioural expectations are held for each student.

·        Objective 3 – the school improvement goals are shared with students, staff, families, and the community to ensure continuity and ownership.


​A) Assessment Exemption Policy

Return of the exemption policy; COVID forced kids coming to school sick, so the policy was dropped but now the lack of the policy is missed. Being on time (no tardies) and homework passed in will allow a single selection of an assessment to be eligible – click here for exemption policy​. Gap identified in that the policy only accounts for tardies and not absenteeism.


​B) Honours/High Honours Recognition

Pancake breakfast scheduled for tomorrow to recognize honours and high honours breakfast. 280 kids. Invitation issued to kids to join to ensure that only those selected. Accompanied by a letter of recognition, issued by the principle to be delivered by the event. Student with 79.4% approached Principal and others indicating disappointment in not making the honour roll, indicating that incentive is there.


2)     Course Selection Process

Students in grades 11 and 12 are on program 36A, however students in grades 9 and 10 are on program 36B. Current 9’s, 10’s and 11’s can choose courses coming out of the March break. Incoming Grade 9’s have their classes chosen for them. New subject, Creative Arts – pastry, wood, and metal has been approved by Board. Criteria and course outline designed in-house.
