
Harbour View High School > News > Posts > St. Mary's University Grade 11 Information Event July 27-28
May 21
St. Mary's University Grade 11 Information Event July 27-28

Attention Grade 11 students


Are you thinking of attending St. Mary’s University?  If so, there is a great opportunity coming up for you in the month July. To help students learn more about Saint Mary’s University, they are offering a Grade 11 Summer Experience Day where grade 11 students are invited to attend the campus for a full day event and overnight stay on campus. This event is offered to students who live more than an hour outside of Halifax, who may not have the same opportunities as local students to visit the campus during the school year.

This grade 11 orientation session will take place on July 27 and 28th.  If you are interested please see the Guidance department for further details.  





Cynthia Smith

Guidance Counsellor

Harbour View High School

305 Douglas Avenue

Saint John, N.B.

E2K 1E5


Phone: 658-5359 /  Fax:  658-4642





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