Policy on Plagiarism
  • The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own - Oxford Canadian Dictionary
  • Paraphrased, summarized and quoted text sources must be acknowledged with parenthetical text references/footnotes and works cited entries College Style
*If a student is unsure of how to cite a source properly, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher.
First Offence
  • The teacher, subject SPR, and vice principal will arrange a meeting to inform the parent and student of the occurrence. The student will re-do the assignment (or alternate) in a supervised setting. A note will be placed in the student’s file to record the incident. The parent and student will be informed of the consequences of a next offence by reviewing the Plagiarism Policy.      

Next Offence
  • ​Assignment will be given a zero (0). The student and parent will be informed and a meeting for explanation will be held, if necessary. A letter will be placed in the student’s file explaining the incident.