SCOOP was introduced in February of 2009. A contest was held to name our mascot, and Pat Hartley's Grade 3 class of Saint John the Baptist King Edward School were excited to be named the winner. 'SCOOP' could now began his adventures.  Tucked into his travel bag with his journal and passport, his first stop was to the Grade 3 class.  During his visit, SCOOP was introduced to the school and participated in several Celebrate events.  


Over the past year, he has travelled to many schools and community events meeting students and celebrating all the positives in the school and community.   Students recorded his visits in his journal and then sent him off to another destination. 

Unfortunately, on one of SCOOP's adventures, his passport and journal went missing so we do not have his stories to share at this time.         

SCOOP now has a new journal and has begun his travels again.  Check back later to see what SCOOP has been up to!                          








SCOOP's Adventures

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