In August...Reflect & Refocus

re·flec·tion Pronunciation: \ri-ˈflek-shən\
* an often obscure or indirect criticism : reproach" a reflection on his character"
* a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation
* consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose
Have you ever heard the saying, " Need to go backwards, before you go forward"? As a person, company, family or group we all need to reflect on where we have been. It could be in the last year, months, weeks or days but the more we do it the better refocused we will be. Take time this month in your business and/or personal life to reflect on what you have done (good or bad) and write down somewhere how you are going to re-focus or change/enhance your direction or actions.
Take time to CELEBRATE and reflect and refocus!
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When will your reflection show who you are inside? While the answers lies within you, one thing is for sure; everyone has a reflection (unless you are a vampire)! and therefore everyone can see you. It is what you choose to reflect from your inside that makes the difference in how people react and interact with you. We can learn a lot from cartoons! Watch the video and read the words...

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