Raider News

River Valley Middle School > Raider News > Posts > Weekly Announcements, November 21, 2018
November 21
Weekly Announcements, November 21, 2018

Good afternoon! Please see below for the weekly messages for all Raiders and their families.
As you may have already heard from your child, we have reinstated our cellphone and electronics policy for all students. This guideline is in place to help our students learn how to use this technology as a tool and how to use it appropriately. I encourage all families to continue regular discussions with their child and to monitor their phone and internet usage.
We reiterated with students;
                -when it is appropriate to use your phone or electronics
                -not to get involved in, or respond to gossipy or mean texts or messages
                -block people, websites, social media or messages that are inappropriate
                -parents will contact the school office, not students, if there is a true emergency
                -nothing that is posted, tweeted, messaged, air-dropped ever goes away. It is on the internet forever and linked to you.
All families are encouraged to go to our cashless schools website and create an account and link your child to your account. This will allow you to see any items that they need or want to purchase (trips, sport fees, etc.). Even if there is nothing you need to purchase at the moment, it is a good idea to make sure this is set up before you need it.  Go to:
We are currently collecting: Ski Club payments, Gr. 8 Quebec Trip payments, Badminton Team fees and any outstanding Student fees.
We are experiencing website issues. Our main page is not working but all of the school information, including weekly messages, can still be accessed by clicking on one of the black buttons on the navigation bar. Our website is
Parent/Teacher meetings are taking place on Thursday evening and on Friday. I want to reiterate to families that a mark of 2 or 3 is what we expect to see at this point in the school year. It is also very important to look at the work habits and comments to gain more information about your child’s strengths and “next steps” for the upcoming term.
No school on Friday as we have Teacher PD in the morning and Parent/Teacher in the afternoon.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Upcoming Dates:
Nov 22                  Parent/Teacher Meetings 5-8 pm
Nov 23                  Parent/Teacher (No School)
Nov 23                  Parent/Teacher Meetings 1-3 pm
Nov 26                  PSSC 6:30 pm
Dec 13                   Dance
Dec 17                   Imperial Theatre
Dec 19                   Ski Club Payment Deadline
Dec 21                   Last Day before Christmas Break


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