| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators provide a variety of open-ended materials for painting, drawing, cutting, gluing and modelling. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators use tent cards to spark and interest by asking an open ended question or providing some instruction. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Open ended art materials are ready to go as children arrive at the facility. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | These art shelves are purposefully planned with small baskets providing a variety of materials that can be easily rotated and changed to follow the interests of the children. Small amounts of materials are added daily or as necessary. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Art materials are accessible and invitingly displayed. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Toddler Invitation - Colour Hunt | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Variety of materials available and ready for children as they arrive. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Maps and books are a wonderful way in which to introduce learning about differences and form positive inclusive relationships with all children. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Maps are used in a variety of ways to facilitate and enhance interest and understanding of similarities and uniqueness in communities both local and world-wide. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | The language of Valentine's Day. Providing language around the environment will grow the children's understanding of vocabulary and language conventions. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators use this flexible yet consitent visual schedule to facilitate transitions. Very helpful when children are new to the group. Educators can take pictures of the children in their groups to develop their own visual schedule. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | In the winter it is useful to have a getting dressed schedule so children can begin to become independent in self-care routines. (Well-Being; NB Curriculum Framework) | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators web topic of interest using print and pictures. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | The educators made observations on what the children were talking about and observed how excited they became as they saw things in the sky. The documentation is engaging for both children and adults. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators responded to several child's interest in horses by webbing the topic and brainstorming possibilities for materials and activites. Here they discussed parts of a horse. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators carefully and purposefully plan the learning environment by providing a variety of documentation visible at the level of the children. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Children at a young age can recognize and read labels. Provide familiar images for children and see what your group can read within the environment. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators facilitate exploration, problem-solving, and discovery of topics based on interests of the children. They document the open ended questions and answers. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Using real items along with toys adds a real element to children's play. Invitation is set up including a "Help Wanted" sign. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Small details like an order form can bring a whole different level of play to dramatic play environments. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Having an inviting dramatic play centre and materials will foster creative imaginary scenarios as is discussed in Play and Playfulness p.14. All children have a home environment and these dramatic play areas allow children to revisit their experiences. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Simple and easy invitations that can be ready to explore when children arrive in the environment. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Providing a variety of materials and an idea. Great for after school groups. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Carefully combined different materials to create invitations for the children to explore and discover. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | What an inviting way to explore colours! | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators are in tune to the children in their group by providing opportunities to play using their current interests. This is a great example of Literate Identities (Re-invent popular culture). | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators are placing materials with books invitingly. Providing an organized and inviting environment will help children to respect the materials provided. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Books are purposefully placed in a variety of interests centres. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educator have included books in the dramatic play area. The bear cave is a great place for the children to look at books! | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Children have access to materials of interest to them on low open shelves. Books accompany the materials as part of the invitation within each centre. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators include books even in the music centre. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Children are invited one or two at a time to listen to stories using the headphones. Books with CD's or tapes are a wonderful addition to any environment. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators explore letters in a meaningful way by using the children's names. As you can see they have also charted how many letters are in each of their names. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators use a variety of documentation to visualize the learning process and provide a spring-board for continued interest and exploration. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Children measured the height of the snow over time. | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Children are invited to write down how many teeth they have lost. | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Active exploration of mathematical concepts including numbers, counting, sorting, colours and patterns | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Invitation to explore patterns. Easy! | |
| Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Educators facilitate fun exploration of size by relating it to several children's interest in vehicles. It also helps facilitate clean up! | |
| | | Thumbnail |  | | | Title | Inviting exploration of mathematical concepts using familiar objects in different ways. | |