Autism Support Services
Preschool services for children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders are provided in the Anglophone South School District region by Autism Intervention Services. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development contracts these services from this agency. Children who are residents of New Brunswick and have received a diagnosis of ASD are eligible for services until they begin school in the year which they turn five.
The Government of New Brunswick website has a number of resources which may be helpful to you in your search for information. For information on preschool autism programs contact or call 1-855-453-2950.
Parents and guardians of children currently receiving services are always encouraged to discuss service concerns with their child’s clinical supervisor. Should you wish to further discuss concerns with a representative of the Department of Education and Early Childhood you may contact the Director of Early Childhood Services for the Anglophone South region at 1-506-658-5300.
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