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February 26
2018 2019

​Our class uses "Class Dojo" for news and photos. Please contact me if you need new sign-in information!

September 17
Weekly News - September 17-21, 2018
Monday, September 17th, 2018
Dear Families,
I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another wonderful week in grade 3/4! The children are settling in nicely to our classroom routines that will guide us through the school year.  I am very proud of the effort they have put forth so far!  Thank you for all your support!
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on building our routines for Literacy, which includes 3 ways to read a book, independently choosing good-fit books, and building stamina to read independently.   Also working on writing poetry.
In Math, we will continue working on a unit on patterns. This includes identifying, extending, creating patterns, and describing pattern rules. 
In Science, we are working on scientific inquiry – a way of learning about the natural world. (Exploring the Learning Path).
In Social Studies, we are learning about the Province of New Brunswick.
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        It is very important that you label your child’s jackets, sweaters, coats, shoes, backpack, etc… to help us get lost items of clothing to their rightful owners!  A lost and found box has been set up on the dance floor, so you can check there if your child has lost something.
·        Just a reminder that the student fee of $45.00 is needed as soon as possible.
·        Monday, September 24 - Terry Fox Walk at school. Donations are being accepted.
·        Please note if there are any changes to your child’s afterschool arrangements, the school must have a note from you.  Thank you for your cooperation!
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). I used your child’s end of grade two/three reading level as a starting point and I will be up dating levels as I regularly re-assess your child’s progress. Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice.
·        For some fun math practice at home, look for patterns around your house and community with your child and continue to practice addition facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
           J Mr. Linder                                           (506)453-5429                       

September 10
Weekly News - September 10-14, 2018
Monday, September 10th, 2018
Dear Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for another great week in grade 3/4! The children are settling in nicely to our classroom routines that will guide us through the school year.  I am very proud of the effort they have put forth so far!  Information about Class Dojo and Xtra Math was sent home last week.  Please sign up as soon as possible!  Thank you for all your support!
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on building our routines for Literacy, which includes 3 ways to read a book, independently choosing good-fit books and building stamina to read independently.
In Math, we will continue working on a unit on patterns. This includes identifying, extending, creating patterns, and describing pattern rules. 
In Science, we are working on scientific inquiry – a way of learning about the natural world.
In Social Studies, we are learning about the Province of New Brunswick.
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        Our Open House and Corn Boil will be held on Tuesday, September 11th from 5:15 to 6:30.
·        On Thursday, September 13th we will be having a presentation for students on behalf of the Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival.
·        School Picture Day on Friday, September 14.  SMILE!
·        It is very important that you label your child’s jackets, sweaters, coats, shoes, backpack, etc… to help us get lost items of clothing to their rightful owners!  A lost and found box has been set up on the dance floor, so you can check there if your child has lost something.
·        Please be sure to send in a spoon or fork if your child needs one.
·        Just a reminder that the student fee of $45.00 is needed as soon as possible. Also, please send in two boxes of Kleenex.  Thank you!
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). I used your child’s end of grade two or three reading level as a starting point and I will be up dating levels as I regularly re-assess your child’s progress. Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice.
·        For some fun math practice at home, look for patterns around your house and community with your child and continue to practice addition/subtraction facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
       J Mr. Linder                                      (506)453-5429                       

September 04
Welcome Grade 3/4

Please see documents for Weekly News September 4-7, 2018.​

June 15
Video of our field trip

​Grade 3 students dancing to Acadian music.IMG_0465.MOVIMG_0465.MOV

January 22
Newletter January 22-26

Monday, January 22, 2018

What we are learning:

 Literacy:  list 4 words (an, very, its, over, your) “l” Blends (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, )

Numeracy: continue with beginning addition strategies (+0, +1. +2, +3) Introduce subtraction.

 Information Items/Dates to Remember:

 ·       Send extra mitts and socks!  The snow is fun to play in but sometimes outdoor clothes get wet and it’s nice to have spare dry clothes. 

·       This term is a very important learning time in Grade One!  Please ensure your child is rested and ready to learn each day.  It is an amazing time for academic growth. Nightly reading is an integral part of that learning! 


 ·       Nightly Practice:  read your good fit book and practice your sight words.

·       Bring your homework bag each day.

·       Practice getting snow suits, mitts, hats, boots on independently! Label winter clothing.

·       Return library books by Thursday.

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.

  J Mrs. Bird                                                       (506)453-5429                                 ​

January 15
Newsletter Jan. 15- 19

Monday, January 15, 2018

What we are learning:

 Literacy:  list 4 words (big, went, are, come, if)

Numeracy: beginning addition strategies (+0, +1. +2)

You and Your World:  differences between someone being a bother, being mean or being a bully.

 Information Items/Dates to Remember:

 ·       Friday, Jan. 19th: UNB hockey night - free admission for elementary students (see attached sheet.)

·       Send extra mitts and socks!  The snow is fun to play in but sometimes outdoor clothes get wet and it’s nice to have spare dry clothes. 

·       This term is a very important learning time in Grade One!  Please ensure your child is rested and ready to learn each day.  It is an amazing time for academic growth. Nightly reading is an integral part of that learning! 

·       Kleenex donations would be much appreciated. Also it may be a good idea to send a little bottle of hand sanitizer with your child right now as it is flu season!!


 ·       Nightly Practice:  read your good fit book and practice your sight words.

·       Bring your homework bag each day.

·       Practice getting snow suits, mitts, hats, boots on independently! Label winter clothing.

·       Return library books by Thursday.

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.

J Ms. Bird                                                                (506)453-5429                         ​

December 11
Weekly News - December 11-15, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
Dear Families,
I hope you have a wonderful winter break with your family!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  This will be the last Weekly News until January 8, 2018!
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on Literacy, which includes Read to Self, Work on Writing, and Word Work.
In Math, we will be working on an Addition and Subtraction Unit.  Make sure to practice addition and subtraction math facts at home.  Use Xtra Math to practice.
In Science, we are working on investigating questions – Why is snow white?
In Social Studies, we are learning where people live and work in New Brunswick. (Rural and Urban Communities).
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        Grade 3 Skating – Wednesdays, December 13 and 20.  Thank you to all parents who signed up to help with skating at 8:45 at the rink.  Reminder - All students should wear mittens when skating.
·        Emergency Contact Information – Please contact the school if we do not have your current emergency contact information.  If you have a new phone number or email the school requires that information.
·        Please listen to the radio in the mornings in the event school is ever cancelled as a result of winter weather.
·        Last day for Cafeteria will be Friday, December 15.
·        Social Studies Project to be completed for Wednesday, December 20.
·        Last Day of School - Friday, December 22 will be an 11:00 am dismissal for students.
·        First Day of School – Monday, January 8.  Happy New Year!
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice. Make sure to focus on comprehension by having your child understanding what is being read.
·        For some fun math practice at home with your child, play a math game and continue to practice addition and subtraction math facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
            J Mr. Linder                                           (506)453-5429                       

December 04
Weekly News - December 4 - 8, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
Dear Families,
I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another wonderful week in grade 3!  Please contact me if you missed Parent Teacher Interviews and would like to meet for an interview.
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on Literacy, which includes Read to Self (good fit books), Work on Writing (Personal Narratives), and Word Work.
In Math, we will be working on an Addition and Subtraction Unit.  Make sure to practice addition and subtraction math facts at home. 
In Science, we are working on investigating questions – Where does chocolate come from?
In Social Studies, we are learning where people live and work in New Brunswick. (Rural and Urban Communities).
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        Grade 3 Skating – Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20.  Thank you to all parents who signed up to help with skating.
·        Wednesday, December 6 – School Christmas Tree Lighting at 6:00 pm.
·        Thursday, December 7 – K-2 Christmas Concert at 9:15 am.
·        Friday, December 8 - K-2 Christmas Concert at 9:15 am.
·        Please note if there are any changes to your child’s afterschool arrangements, the school must have a note from you.  Thank you for your cooperation!
·        Fridays at GNMES are School Color Days. Everyone is encouraged to wear green and or blue or GNMES clothing to promote school spirit.
·        Social Studies Project to be completed for Wednesday, December 20.
·        Friday, December 22 will be a half day of school for students.
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice. Make sure to focus on comprehension by having your child understanding what is being read.
·        For some fun math practice at home with your child, play a math game and continue to practice addition and subtraction math facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
            J Mr. Linder                                           (506)453-5429                       

November 27
Weekly News - November 27 - December 1

Monday, November 27, 2017
Dear Families,
I hope you had a fun weekend and are ready for another wonderful week in grade 3!  Thank you to all parents who attended Parent Teacher Interviews!
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on Literacy, which includes Read to Self (good fit books), Work on Writing (Personal Narratives), and Word Work (new words sent home today).
In Math, we will be working on an Addition and Subtraction Unit.  Make sure to practice addition and subtraction math facts at home. 
In Science, we are working on investigating questions – What is the Moon made of?
In Social Studies, we are learning where people live and work in New Brunswick. (Rural and Urban Communities).
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        Pizza Order forms need to be returned by Friday, December 1 (Cash only).
·        Grade 3 Skating – Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20.  Thank you to all parents who signed up to help with skating.
·        Wednesday, December 6 – GNMES Christmas Tree Lighting at 6:00 pm.
·        Thursday, December 7 – K-2 Christmas Concert at 9:15 am.
·        Friday, December 8 - K-2 Christmas Concert at 9:15 am.
·        Please note if there are any changes to your child’s afterschool arrangements, the school must have a note from you.  Thank you for your cooperation!
·        Fridays at GNMES are School Color Days. Everyone is encouraged to wear green and or blue or GNMES clothing to promote school spirit.
·        It is very important that you label your child’s jackets, sweaters, coats, shoes, backpack, etc… to help us get lost items of clothing to their rightful owners! 
·        Friday, December 22 will be a half day of school for students.
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice. Make sure to focus on comprehension by having your child understanding what is being read.
·        For some fun math practice at home with your child, play a math game and continue to practice addition and subtraction math facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
           J Mr. Linder                                           (506)453-5429                       
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