Our school follows
EECD’s Policy 703: The Positive Learning and Working Environment Policy by:
·       Â
Establishing a process for
fostering positive learning and working environments;
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Setting standards for
behaviour and discipline and identifying the responsibilities of all partners
in the school system; and
·       Â
Providing an overview of
expected student behaviour in both the Provincial Student Code of Conduct and
through our Hawk’s Honour Code, S.O.A.R. Behaviour Matrix, Voice Level charts and
Whole Body Listening Guides.
H.E.S. operates on
the philosophy that all students have the right to learn. To do so each student
must be in a school climate that is satisfying and productive, without
disruptive behaviour by a student infringing upon the rights of others. Home
and school alike must share the responsibility for acceptable behaviour.
The discipline
policy at our school is based on the understanding that a certain level of
order is necessary if the school is to function and students are to learn. It
also recognizes that all students are constantly making choices about whether
they will contribute positively or negatively to any given situation. Our
discipline policy reflects the belief that students can and will make good
choices if they are allowed the opportunity to decide, given the positive
support they need, and held accountable for the decisions they make. Our
discipline procedures, of which this policy is a part, are all directed toward
placing responsibility for student behaviour where it belongs, in their hands.
Each person in our school is responsible for
controlling their actions and reactions to any situation.
Through our S.O.A.R.
Expectation Matrix as well as our HAWKS’ Honour Code, the staff of
Hampton Elementary School diligently and gently teach children a variety of expected
behaviours, routines, and skills. It is also possible that students who do not
master these behaviours and routines may need extra practice to meet our school
expectations. These behaviours and routines are expected to be mastered by all
students before the end of September. The staff asks for your support
if your child may need to have extra practice in any of the school expectations.​Â