Curricular and Enrichment Initiatives

In addition to the regular curriculum, Island View students have benefited from a variety of enrichment programs in Art, Math, Music, Language Arts and Science. In the past, the school has served as an enrichment magnet school for the district, as well as providing internal enrichment opportunities for its own children. Heritage Week is celebrated annually at Island View, as an occasion to provide children with enrichment opportunities; this year's heritage enrichment theme is transportation.
Island View has served as a pilot school for a number of provincial curricular initiatives and resources in the areas of Art, Intensive French,Language Arts, Social Studies, Guidance, and Physical Education.
Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities
Activities offered at the school include cross country running, ice-hockey, chess, track and field, string instrument, choir, school musical, June Fun Day, student librarians, the school milk program, the environmental Green Team and the Grade 5 Leadership Team. In the spring of 2010, Island View students won several awards at the New Brunswick Regional Drama Festival for their performance of the musical "On the Radio". Our school choir performs regularly at school events and at the annual Empty Stocking Fund Christmas Broadcast to support needy families in our community.
Throughout the years, various groups have exposed students to such cultural events as productions from Theatre New Brunswick, jazz musical performances and choral performances. Numerous field trips have been held including trips to museums, the Hammond River Marshes, the Irving Nature Park, Rockwood Park, a maple sugar farm, Kings Landing and the Huntsman Marine Center in St. Andrew’s.