WEC Perth-Andover Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 7 FI Math
March 16
7 FI Math

Leçon 2 et 3.pptLeçon 2 et 3.ppt

Devoir 1.docxDevoir 1.docxDevoir 2.docxDevoir 2.docx

In Math we are working on solving algebraic equations. Students are learning how to solve for n (or x). students should keep in mind that they are trying to isolate their variable, that what they do on one side of the equation they must do on the other, and to keep in mind opposites are used to isolate the variable.

 Attached is a slide show that students have previously seen. This Power point may help them if they forget a part of the process. If students would like more practice, there are 2 work sheets attached and students can go to IXL to do math practice, they have a log in and password.


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