WEC Perth-Andover Middle School > Teachers
February 07
Personal Wellness Grade 8 Week of February 8

Students are finishing their research on STI's.  This assignment is due on February 9th.  They will be having a quiz on STI's this week as well.  ​

February 07
Personal Wellness Grade 7 Week of February 8

​Students are continuing to learn about their strengths and how these characteristics can help them with success in their life.  They have an assignment that is due this week and is posted on their Team site.  

January 31
Personal Wellnes Grade 7 Week of February 1, 2021

​Students will be exploring the physical and emotional consequences of early sexual activity.  They will be identifying their strengths and how knowing this information can help them to have success in life.  

January 31
Personal Wellness Grade 8, Week of February 1, 2021

​Students will be exploring the emotional and physical consequences of early sexual behaviour as well as STI's (Sexually Transmitted Infections).  They will start a research assignment on STI's.  The assignment and resources to help with the research have been posted to Teams.

January 24
6M Week of January 25, 2021

FILA: I will read chapter 12 of Klonk. Students will do a synthesis. They are going to do a few reading activities this week and Friday they will have a reading comprehension test. Students will continue their draft copy for the Persuasive text. We will do some word work also.

Math: Mental math with divisions\double and half with multiplications. We are going to revise how to divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit number this week (Grade 5 outcome).

SS: We will discuss the right to play and do a debate.

Science: They are going to work on their Science experiment. Students need to bring ALL their materials for Tuesday to conduct their experiment.

January 24
Personal Wellness Week of January 25th

​Student are starting the Human Growth and Development Unit this week.  They will be exploring their own ideas and values about becoming sexually active.  Parents are encouraged to discuss this topic with their child by completing a values activity that your child will bring home.  Class activities will include discussions about various pressures that teens face, and how good decision making can help them to avoid risky behaviours.  

January 17
6M Week of January 18,2021

​Math: This week students will be practicing many mental math strategies by competing (multiplication with multiples of 10, double and half and distributive property. Also, we are going to revisit multiplication (2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers). Students will have an evaluation on it this Friday.

FILA: Read a chapter of KLONK. Students have to show they are able to infer and to do a synthesis​. We will do some word work on feminin and masculin. They will continue their Plan for  their Persuasive and start their Draft copy. They will also do a speaking and listening activity.

Science: Continue Science project. Students need to bring all their material in class for Thursday to do/make experiment. This is very important. 

SS: Discuss chldren's right and do an activity. We didn't get to do it last week because Wednesday was a half day.

January 11
second week of January

​Each day copies (may be annotated) of the daily lesson plans will be uploaded to the 'teams" site under 8w homeroom channel>files> lesson plans. 

Students will be able send in questions and comments through the team chat.

January 10
Personal Wellness Week of January 11, 2021

This week in Personal Wellness, your child will be learning about substance dependence/addiction.  They will be able to identify what addiction is and the risk factors that can contribute to someone becoming addicted.  They will also learn what the protective factors are to avoid addiction.  Students will be expected to research this subject and complete the attached chart using the websites provided.  This assignment is due on January 18th.​Addiction Assignment.pdfAddiction Assignment.pdf

January 10
6M Week of January 11, 2021

​Math: The evaluation on the sum of the interior angles of a triangle and a quadrilateral will take place on Tuesday. It was postponed to make sure that the students were ready. Also this week, we will revue mental math (grade 5) and multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers,that is a review also.

FILA: Students will have an evaluation on visualizations. We will continue the novel KLONK. There will be some word word on féminin and masculin. Students are going to do some speaking activities. They will need to think of a topic for their next Persuasive text and we might start planning our writing.

SS: Discuss the rights of a child and do an activity.

Science: Students will need to pic a topic this week for their STEAM expo project. They will start some research. Handout sheets will be sent to you for explanations.

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