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June 12
PIF 10 - Oral Interviews and Exit project

​Students have scheduled Oral French Interviews (10 minutes each) on ​Thursday, June 15 betweeen 8:40 and 10:50 am. Students were asked to make note of their scheduled time and they are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time. A copy of the schedule is posted on my door.

As well, the final exit project they were working on in class last week, if not already handed in, is to be submitted at their interview.

Feel free to stop by and see me for any questions or extra help before Thursday.

PIF 10 La Fin du Cours-juin 2017.docxPIF 10 La Fin du Cours-juin 2017.docx

June 12
Yoga 11 - Exit Project

​Exit projects were handed out on Tuesday, June 6 and are to be turned in to myself no later than 3 pm on ​Thursday, June 15along with the regular daily journal. Feel free to stop in to see me anytime before the due date should you have questions.

May 24
Media Studies Unit Test on Advertising

​Just a reminder to Media Studies 120 students about the Advertising Test on Thursday, May 25th during period 3. Please bring your notebooks.

April 24
Grade 7/8 LA - Homework

Due on Thursday, April 31 - Reading comprehension questions - Psychics Who Solve crimes​

April 18
PIF 10 - In class assingment

​Today and tomorrow students are working on a reading and vocabulary assignment (handed out today) "L'anniversaire d'Olivier". Today we read over the story together and discussed all of the questions. Students had a chance to get started on the questions and will have class time to work on the questions tomorrow and perhaps need to complete the rest on their own time. It will be due ​Friday, April 21.

April 11
PIF 10  - Class assignment

​Today we continued discussion about target audiences for movies and the values transmitted. We used the example of teenagers togetheras a class. During Thursday's class and into next week, groups will be working to develop their own movie plot for a specific target audience (see attached assignment below. Tomorrow's class will be reading in the computer lab and work on their online language portfolios using the Career Cruising website. Idée de film selon un public cible spécifique.docxIdée de film selon un public cible spécifique.docx

April 11
Grade 7/8 LA - Homework

Due on Thursday, April 13 - reading comprehension questions - Gladys Aylwaed Journey to Saftey​

April 08
Grade 7/8 LA - Homework

Complete the comprehension questions for Chapter 1 of, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." Due on Tuesday, April 11.​

April 05
PIF 10 - Homework

​Today students finished a grammar worksheet on adjectives and started Mini-Project #2, which is due Friday, April 7th.

Mini-Projet 2

Choisit un film. Décrit le public cible et une liste de valeurs possibles.

(Choose a movie. Describe the target audience for the movie and make a list of possible values or beliefs displayed by the movie.)

April 04
Grade 112/113 LA - Homework

Read the "Article of the Week - New Guidelines for Doctors " and respond to the questions. Homework due on Friday, April 7, 2017​

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