FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Homework for the week of Nov.28
November 25
Homework for the week of Nov.28
Homework for the week of Nov.28
Monday night-Pack library books. 
Nightly-Read good- fit book/Raz Kids
              Practice sight words and sound teams.
·        Reading:  Although we have been practicing stretching out sounds in words we don’t know, it is important your child knows that not every word needs to be sounded out. For example they should know the sight words which have been sent home “in a snap.” By reading over these words quickly, without attempting to stop and show how we can sound them out, can help make students’ reading more fluent.
Sound Team: “oo” (please highlight this on your sound team sheet)
·        “oo” can make two sounds, as in “foot” and “loop”
·        Have your child practice reading words such as the following:
·       good, food, cook, roof, noon, stood, hood, spoon
·        Remember, you can make reading these words (as well as the sight words each week) more engaging by playing a memory matching game, writing words on a tic-tac-toe board, and/or playing “go fish” with word cards.
Sight Words: look, too, can, saw, asked
(Please highlight these on your high frequency word list)
·        Practice reading the words
·        If your child read them with ease, practice spelling the words and/or writing a sentence using one of the words of the week.
Writing:  Editing
·        We are continuing to work on editing/fixing-up our own writing. Students are asked to look at their writing and fix mistakes involving punctuation, spelling, neatness, etc.
·        Students are also helping each other with the editing process. They have been working with a partner to collaborate and look together for periods, neat printing, word wall words spelled correctly, etc.
·        To practice at home, both you and your child can write a sentence and then help each other edit! (Be sure to make a few common errors that your child can help you fix!)
Math:    Please take this week to work on any of the following math concepts your child may be struggling with:
·        1 more/less & 2 more/less
·        Counting forwards and backwards from different starting points to 20
·        Identifying numbers to 20 (show your child a number and have him/her tell you the number)
·        Writing numbers to 20
·        Estimating amounts to 20
·        More/less/the same - look at groups of objects and determine which group has more or less-we can count or match the objects up to see which group has the extras. How can we make the groups equal?
·        Part/part/whole questions and number stories such as:
Ø  There are 10 dogs. 3 dogs are white so how many are brown?
Ø  I rolled 2 dice and there are 9 dots altogether. There are 4 dots on one die, how many are on the other die?
Ø  I want to buy a toy for $9 but I only have $4. How many more dollars do I need?
Ø  I need 10 points to win this game. I have 3 points. How many more points do I need?
Wed.Nov.30- Wednesday, Nov. 25-basket item is due (gift card)
Thursday, Dec.8-Christmas dinner for families-see school home page for info
Please buy the tickets ahead of time from the cafeteria. I will keep the ticket(s) here at school and give it/them to your child on the 8th. Parents are welcome! If your child is not having the turkey dinner they must have a lunch to eat in the classroom.
Friday, Dec.16-Last day for the cafeteria. Students will need to bring a lunch from home for the following week.
Friday, Dec.16-Christmas concert –9:00 and 11:00 (Tuesday, Dec.20-storm date)
Friday, Dec.23-last day-and it is a half day


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