FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers
September 25
Welcome to Grade 4!, 2020-21

​Hi All,

Welcome to grade 4, it will be a very busy year.  The children are doing well settling in to all the new routines and procedures of going to school in a Pandemic!!  We are currently reviewing Grade 3 outcomes and completing a few Math outcomes from last year.  

 I am looking for a few more forms to be sent back and the student fees.  Please check their homewrok book nightly for any new information or forms.  

My expectations for homework , is to spend no more than 30 minutes nightly.   

I am looking forward to having a great year with your children!!

March 13
Grade 2 Week at a Glance (March 16-20)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (March 16-20)


Tuesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Wednesday. 


NightlyRead good-fit books/Raz-Kids.   Reading out loud to a family member helps with fluency and expression.   Practice word wall words and sound teams. 


In order to be at benchmark for the April report card, your child must be able to read and understand texts at level J.



High Frequency Words: sometimes, outside, into

We will be reviewing compound words: two words that go together to make 1 word.(like the sight words above this week)



Reading strategies: generate & answer questions

We will continue to generate and answer questions about fiction and non-fiction texts.


Writing: We have read books as mentor texts to illustrate all the writing strategies we have talked about and are trying to implement. We are looking at published authors as well as authors in our room to find a great lead, a jazzed up sentence, a describing sentence, a sentence that use a sentence starter etc. You can refer back to previous homework for a deeper explanation.


We will also start writing “many moments” stories. So instead of describing one event they will learn strategies to have a story which includes a few small moments.



We are continuing our unit on two digit addition and subtraction.  We will be spending a couple more weeks on adding and subtracting numbers to 100, with a focus on subtraction.  However, we will continue to practice these strategies throughout the remainder of the year.  Please continue to practice adding and subtracting one and two digit numbers with your child.



Reminders/Important Dates:


Monday, March 16-Wear coloured t shirt for team activity

Thursday, April 9-coloured team

Thursday, April 9-report cards go home

Friday, April 10 – Good Friday – No School

Monday, April 13 – Easter Monday – No School

Thursday, April 16 – Parent Teacher interviews (afternoon/evening)

Friday, April 17 – Parent Teacher interviews (morning)/Professional Learning (PM) – No school for students


March 07
Week of March 8th

*​ Please make sure your child reads daily this wek either from a book brought from the class or on Raz Kids.

 * Thursday :  We have library.  Library books should be returned.

* Please check our March calendar and the March update  (two page document) in the Documents sections.      

* We are looking forward to having Ms. Henderson with us until the end of April.

February 28
March Outcomes

March Outcomes


Reading and Viewing:

GCO 4H: select independently and with teacher assistance, texts appropriate to interests and learning needs

GCO 4I: use some feature of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information

GCO 4K: use a variety of strategies to create meaning

GCO 6D: Express and begin to support opinions about texts and the word of authors/illustrators


Speaking and Listening:

GCO 1F: Ask and respond to questions to clarify or gather information

GCO 2G: Respond to and give instructions that include two or three components

GCO 3F: Recognize volume of voice and politeness in conversation and cooperative play



8D-begin to develop, with assistance, some ways to make their own notes (e.g., webs, story maps,

Point-form notes)

8E-begin to experiment with language choices in imaginative writing and other ways of representing

9D-use a variety of familiar text forms and other media (messages, letters, lists, recounts, role play)

9E-demonstrate some awareness of audience and purpose (ex choosing particular forms for specific audiences and purposes, realizing work to be shared needs editing)

10B-use some conventions of written language(ex spacing, most vowel and consonants are represented, increasing number of words spelled conventionally, simple sentence structure, attempt to use punctuation, use uppercase for names, I and sentence beginnings)

10C-demonstrate engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations (ex-sustain choose writing in free time, share work, contribute during shared writing, contribute to observations field trips etc

10D-with assistance, begin using technology in writing and representing-use a tape recorder to tape a completed piece of writing or dramatization or oral retelling, use a drawing program/simple word processing to create illustrations for a group story or to draw a picture and write a caption

10E-Students will be expected to select, organize, and combine, with assistance, relevant information to construct and communicate meaning- interact with resources (print, non print, computer software, or human) to answer their own questions or learning needs - with assistance, develop strategies for making and organizing notes- create a new product- share their information in a variety of simple ways


10FStudents will be expected to develop strategies for pre writing, drafting, revising, editing/proof reading and present/publish. With assistance, engage in the research process to construct and communicate meaning




You & Your World

2.4.1A: demonstrate understanding of relationship between basic needs and healthy lifestyle

2.4.1B: explain that the types of food eaten, level of physical activity and amount of rest/relaxation affect one's health

2.4.1C: explain the effect of poor nutrition on teeth and importance of regular brushing/visits to dentist

2.4.1D: explain importance of complete breakfast.




Math Nov-March

N1: Say the number sequence, forward and backward, 0 to 100, by: 5s, using starting points that are multiples of 5 respectively; 10s using starting points from 1 to 9; 2s starting from 1 (Revisit 2s and 10s)

N2: Demonstrate if a number (up to 100) is even or odd

N4: Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically

N5: Compare and order numbers up to 50

N6: Estimate quantities to 100 using referents

N7: Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 50

N9: Demonstrate an understanding of addition with answers to 20 and the corresponding subtraction facts; create and solve addition and subtraction problems (up to answers to 100)

N10: Apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts: addition for subtraction; bridging through 10

PR3: Demonstrate and explain the meaning of equality and inequality by using manipulatives and diagrams (to 18)

PR4: Record equalities and inequalities symbolically using the equal symbol or the not equal symbol (to 18)

SS1: Relate the number of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a  problem-solving context

SS2: Relate the size of a unit of measure to the number of units (limited to nonstandard units) used to measure length and mass

SS3: Compare and order objects by length, height, distance around using nonstandard units, and make statements of comparison

SS4 & SS5: Measure length to the nearest non-standard unit by using multiple copies of a unit and using a single copy of a unit (iteration process); Demonstrate that changing the orientation of an object does not alter the measurements

SP2: Revisit  - constructing and interpreting concrete graphs to solve problems; construct and interpret pictographs to solve problems







February 28
Grade 2 Week at a Glance (March 9-March 13)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (March 9-March 13)


Tuesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Wednesday. 


Nightly- read good fit books/Raz-Kids and practice sight words/sound teams introduced up to this point. 

·        When reading with your child, check for comprehension by asking your child the “who”, “what”, and “where” of the stories they read (characters, problem, and setting).

·        Have him/her provide a retell of the main events in the story.




High Frequency Words:  Continue to do a good review of all sight words we have covered.


Sound Teams: tion/sion

We will practice reading words with tion/sion this week.  Have your child try reading words such as the following at home: station, conclusion, vacation, relaxation, discussion, etc.


Sound team: Ore makes the same sound as or. Have your child practice reading more, chore, fort, cord


Reading strategies: generate & answer questions

We will work on strengthening comprehension by generating and answering questions about the books that we read in class.


Writing: Independent Stories

This week students will begin an independent piece of writing about their March Break. We will review the components of a strong “small moment” story at the beginning of the week (lead, introduction, details, and conclusion) and then students will work independently to write their stories for the remainder of the week. At the end of the week, students will be given time to edit and fix-up their writing.




 This week we will continue to focus on adding and subtracting two digit numbers with a focus on subtracting without regrouping (45 - 23 = 4 tens – 2 tens is 2 tens (20) and 5 ones take away 3 ones is 2, so the answer is 22.  The ones can be subtracted without having to regroup).


However, we will continue to practice these strategies throughout the remainder of the year.  Please continue to practice adding and subtracting one and two digit numbers with your child.



Reminders/Important Dates:

Monday, March 16-Wear coloured t shirt for team activity


We will have a STU intern after the break with us until May 1. Her name is Miss Jardine.​

February 24
​Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 24-Feb.28)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 24-Feb.28)

Tuesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Wednesday.


Nightly – read good fit books/Raz-Kids and practice sight words/sound teams introduced up to this point. 

·        When reading with your child, check for comprehension by asking your child the “who”, “what”, and “where” of the stories they read (characters, problem, and setting).

·        Have him/her provide a retell of the main events in the story.



High Frequency Words: thank, phone

There are only 2 new words this week to give the students a chance to do a big review of all the sight words that have been sent home up to this point.

Word Family:  -ank.  How many words can you think of that end with the –ank sound?


Literacy: silent H

We will practice words with a silent H. Have your child try reading words such as the following at home: honest, hour, ghost, honour, exhaust, rhyme, etc.


Reading strategies: Review

We will take this week before March Break to review the reading strategies we have practiced so far this year.


Sound team: Review the ph sound…..as in phone

Writing: Writing a Strong Lead

This week we will learn how beginning our stories with action can grab our reader’s attention. For example; rather than; My friend came over, write… I darted to the door as my friend rang the doorbell.


We are continuing our unit on two digit addition and subtraction.  The learning goals of this unit will build upon what was learned in our unit on addition and subtraction to 18.  We are focusing on using models such as hundred charts, open number lines, and base ten blocks to solve addition and subtraction problems. 


We are also using the front-end strategy addition which has students add the tens and then the ones.  For example:  42+21=   40+20 =60 and 2+1=3 and 60+3= 63 (there are many sites that have great explanations of this method.)


This week we will continue to focus on adding two digit numbers with regrouping.  This means that the ones place will add to more than 9.  Please continue to practice addition of 1 and 2 digit numbers at home, with and without regrouping   23+22 =   (no regrouping)    28 + 17 = (regrouping).  Have your child practice questions such as:  42+15=   , 59+24=     , 74 + 11=, 38 + 44= etc.


Reminders/Important Dates:

 Feb. 24-28…Kindness Week Activities (please refer to the email sent home by the office as well as webpage for more info).

March 2-6-March break



Thank you for your support!​

February 23
Week of February 24th

​* Please make sure your child reads daily this week.  


Every day this week: Winter Kindness Week - Please refer to the document sent by email for the weekly activities and daily fundraiser themes. 

Thursday:  Library books are due. 

Friday:  I will add our March calendar on my teacher page in Documents. 

By Friday  I would appreciate having all the forms and pictures  If you do not have pictures to send in, no worries.   For the form, an approximate age is fine.  Thank you for you help with this.  

February 17
Week of February 17

​* Please make sure your child reads daily. 

Tuesday: Java Moose orders are due. 

Thursday:  Library books are due.


These words have been added on our word wall: personne - place - bonbon - père - parler - mettre - met - ballon - bébé - oiseau - monter - monte - voilà - vu - votre - vous - vraiment - vers - vos - vite - sous

Reading : Sounds learned:  eur - euill

Writing:  We continue to focus on adding more details to sentences and using new vocabulary learned in French when we write. 

Math:  For the rest of this month, we will learn how to add two double digit numbers and how to use effective mental math strategies. 

February 14
Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 17-21)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 17-21)

Tuesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Wednesday.



Nightly – read good fit books/Raz-Kids and practice sight words/sound teams introduced up to this point.  When reading with your child, check for comprehension by asking your child the “who”, “what”, and “where” of the stories they read (characters, problem, and setting).

·         Have him/her provide a retell of the main events in the story.



High Frequency Words:  skate, car, every, really, many, pretty, very


Word Family:  -ate.  How many words can you think of that end with the –ate sound?


Literacy:ey” on end of words


We will be learning the sounds that the letters ey can make. Sometimes it can make the “long e” sound as in “honey” and other times it makes the “long a” sound as in “hey”. Have your child try reading the following words:  turkey, money, hockey, grey, they, obey, prey.


Reading strategies: Phrasing and Rate

We will continue working on improving fluency this week by practicing reading with appropriate phrasing and rate. (Don’t read word by word slowly-the robot way!)


Writing: Writing a Strong Lead

This week we will continue to learn how beginning our stories with dialogue/talking can grab our reader’s attention. For example; rather than starting your story with:  Yesterday I went skating.  Begin the story by saying “I can’t wait to go skating!” I yelled as we drove to the rink.



We are continuing our unit on two digit addition and subtraction.  The learning goals of this unit will build upon what was learned in our unit on addition and subtraction to 18.  We are focusing on using models such as hundred charts, open number lines, and base ten blocks to solve addition problems.  We are also using the front-end strategy which has students add the tens and then the ones.  For example:  42+21=   40+20 =60 and 2+1=3 and 60+3= 63.   


This week we will focus on adding two digit numbers with regrouping.  This means that the ones place will add to more than 9.  Please continue to practice addition of 1 and 2 digit numbers at home, with and without regrouping   23+22 =   (no regrouping)   

28 + 17 = (regrouping)       


Reminders/Important Dates:


Monday, Feb. 17 – Provincial Family Day – No School

Tuesday, Feb. 18-100 th day collection (optional)

Wednesday, Feb. 26-Wear a pink shirt in honour of Kindness Day

March 2-6-March break

Please see the website for activities for next week as we celebrate kindness week. There are certain colours etc to wear.


Thank you for your support!​

February 09
Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 10-14)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Feb. 10-14)

Tuesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Wednesday.


Nightly – read good fit book, practice sight words, practice sound teams introduced up to this point.  Students now have the option of reading books online on Raz-kids



High Frequency Words/words of the week: Valentine’s Day Words

We will practice reading and spelling a variety of Valentine’s Day words this week. Please take this time to review all words on the Grade 2 High Frequency list which have been sent home.


Word Family:  -ay.  How many words can you think of that end with the –ay sound?


Sound Team: ar Have your child practice reading words:

tarp, harder, darkest, far, garden, start



Literacy:y” on end of words

We will be learning the sounds that the letter y can make on the end of words. Sometimes it can make the “long e” sound as in “money” and other times it makes the “long i” sound as in “try”. Have your child try reading the following words:  sky, my, carry, marry, many, fly, pretty


Reading strategies: Phrasing and Rate

We will be working on improving fluency this week by practicing reading with appropriate phrasing and rate. (Don’t read word by word slowly-the robot way!)


Writing: Valentine’s Day

We will be doing a variety of Valentine’s Day themed writing projects this week.



We are continuing our unit on two digit addition and subtraction.  The learning goals of this unit will build upon what was learned in our unit on addition and subtraction to 18. 


We are focusing on using models such as hundred charts, open number lines, and base ten blocks to solve addition problems. 


We are also using the front-end strategy which has students add the tens and then the ones.  For example:  42+21think….   40+20 =60 and 2+1=3 and 60+3= 63.   


We will continue to use models to solve different types of 2 digit addition problems this week.  The students will be taught several strategies and then they will pick the one that works best for them. 


Please have your child continue to add and subtract groups of ten to different two digit numbers.  They should be able to mentally add/subtract tens quickly.  24+30, 50 -20, 30+47 etc.  If your child finds this easy have then practice adding a two digit to a two digit number, both numbers have some in the ones place, without regrouping (meaning the ones do not add to more than 9.....46+35 would require regrouping, since 6+5 is greater than 9.).  For example:  21+32, 53+24, 62+12, 84+11.


Reminders/Important Dates:

Monday, Feb.10-coloured t shirt team activity

Friday, Feb.14-Shared snack sent in (optional). Please make sure Valentine cards come in on or before the 14th.       100 day collection…optional

Monday, Feb. 17 – Provincial Family Day – No School

Wednesday, Feb. 26-Wear a pink shirt in honour of Kindness Day

March 2-6-March break​

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