FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > March Outcomes
February 28
March Outcomes

March Outcomes


Reading and Viewing:

GCO 4H: select independently and with teacher assistance, texts appropriate to interests and learning needs

GCO 4I: use some feature of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information

GCO 4K: use a variety of strategies to create meaning

GCO 6D: Express and begin to support opinions about texts and the word of authors/illustrators


Speaking and Listening:

GCO 1F: Ask and respond to questions to clarify or gather information

GCO 2G: Respond to and give instructions that include two or three components

GCO 3F: Recognize volume of voice and politeness in conversation and cooperative play



8D-begin to develop, with assistance, some ways to make their own notes (e.g., webs, story maps,

Point-form notes)

8E-begin to experiment with language choices in imaginative writing and other ways of representing

9D-use a variety of familiar text forms and other media (messages, letters, lists, recounts, role play)

9E-demonstrate some awareness of audience and purpose (ex choosing particular forms for specific audiences and purposes, realizing work to be shared needs editing)

10B-use some conventions of written language(ex spacing, most vowel and consonants are represented, increasing number of words spelled conventionally, simple sentence structure, attempt to use punctuation, use uppercase for names, I and sentence beginnings)

10C-demonstrate engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations (ex-sustain choose writing in free time, share work, contribute during shared writing, contribute to observations field trips etc

10D-with assistance, begin using technology in writing and representing-use a tape recorder to tape a completed piece of writing or dramatization or oral retelling, use a drawing program/simple word processing to create illustrations for a group story or to draw a picture and write a caption

10E-Students will be expected to select, organize, and combine, with assistance, relevant information to construct and communicate meaning- interact with resources (print, non print, computer software, or human) to answer their own questions or learning needs - with assistance, develop strategies for making and organizing notes- create a new product- share their information in a variety of simple ways


10FStudents will be expected to develop strategies for pre writing, drafting, revising, editing/proof reading and present/publish. With assistance, engage in the research process to construct and communicate meaning




You & Your World

2.4.1A: demonstrate understanding of relationship between basic needs and healthy lifestyle

2.4.1B: explain that the types of food eaten, level of physical activity and amount of rest/relaxation affect one's health

2.4.1C: explain the effect of poor nutrition on teeth and importance of regular brushing/visits to dentist

2.4.1D: explain importance of complete breakfast.




Math Nov-March

N1: Say the number sequence, forward and backward, 0 to 100, by: 5s, using starting points that are multiples of 5 respectively; 10s using starting points from 1 to 9; 2s starting from 1 (Revisit 2s and 10s)

N2: Demonstrate if a number (up to 100) is even or odd

N4: Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically

N5: Compare and order numbers up to 50

N6: Estimate quantities to 100 using referents

N7: Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 50

N9: Demonstrate an understanding of addition with answers to 20 and the corresponding subtraction facts; create and solve addition and subtraction problems (up to answers to 100)

N10: Apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts: addition for subtraction; bridging through 10

PR3: Demonstrate and explain the meaning of equality and inequality by using manipulatives and diagrams (to 18)

PR4: Record equalities and inequalities symbolically using the equal symbol or the not equal symbol (to 18)

SS1: Relate the number of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a  problem-solving context

SS2: Relate the size of a unit of measure to the number of units (limited to nonstandard units) used to measure length and mass

SS3: Compare and order objects by length, height, distance around using nonstandard units, and make statements of comparison

SS4 & SS5: Measure length to the nearest non-standard unit by using multiple copies of a unit and using a single copy of a unit (iteration process); Demonstrate that changing the orientation of an object does not alter the measurements

SP2: Revisit  - constructing and interpreting concrete graphs to solve problems; construct and interpret pictographs to solve problems








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