FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 1 Week at a Glance (Feb. 25-Mar. 1)
February 22
Grade 1 Week at a Glance (Feb. 25-Mar. 1)

Grade 1 Mrs. Waugh 

Week at a Glance (Feb. 25-Mar. 1)



Wednesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Thursday. 



  • Read good-fit books/Raz-Kids.

  •  Have him/her provide a retell of the main events in the story.

  • Practice Sight Words and Sound Teams



Words of the Week:  Please do a big review of all sight words. If your child has them mastered they can try spelling them! 

Reading: Review Strategies

  • Many students are still guessing unknown words based on the first sound they see (ie; saying “went” for “when”). Please review all of the reading strategies your child can use for unknown words (stretchy snake, chunky monkey, flippy dolphin, etc.). If you notice your child guessing based on the first sound, have the list of strategies ready and encourage him/her to sound out carefully.

  • If your child stalls for too long trying to solve an unknown word, it can disrupt fluency. Therefore it can be helpful to encourage him/her to skip the word and read on (skippy frog) as the rest of the sentence will often give him/her clues as to what the unknown word may be!


Sound Team:  Review

  • Please continue to review all sound teams.
  • A list of words containing sound teams will be sent home in your child’s communication bag. Please have your child practice reading/spelling these words and finding the sound teams he/she knows inside each word. You can play a game of “3 in a row” with your child by putting this list into a page protector. Player one reads a word and crosses it out with his/her white board marker, player two then takes a turn. Continue until someone has crossed out 3 words in a row! You can use two coloured bingo chips instead of putting it into a plastic page protector.


Word Family: please continue to review all word families.



Writing:  Details

  • We are continuing to talk about adding details to our stories. Students are working on choosing a small moment and adding organized details with a beginning, middle and ending. Sentences should be becoming more descriptive. For example, instead of “I saw a dog”, students should now be writing “I saw a big brown dog and he was wagging his tail.” The more interesting details (descriptions, feelings, etc.) the better!

  • We looked at sequencing words (ie; first, next, then, finally) and how they can be used as “sentence starters” and can be helpful when trying to organize the details in our stories. We have also done some procedural writing (how to make a card, how to get ready for recess, etc.)and these sentence starters are useful in this writing form.


Math: Addition and breaking numbers into parts

  • We are working on the “doubles plus 1” strategy. For example, if your child knows 4+4=8, then he/she can easily solve 4+5 because it is just one more!  You can reinforce this concept with blocks/counters.

  • We also discovered the “doubles less/minus 1” strategy. For example, if your child knows 4+4=8, then he/she can easily solve 4+3 because it is just one less!
  • Knowing doubles facts “in a snap” can help students solve these “near doubles” facts much easier.
  • Practice double facts to 12. (1+1, 2+2…..6+6)

Reminders/Important Dates:

Monday, Feb. 25-phys. Ed teachers will be taking students outside for snow shoeing.  Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather.

Feb. 25-March 1:  Winter Week activities (please refer to the email sent home by the office as well as the Webpage for all the information).

Wednesday, March 28 – 100th day of school – students are invited (not obligated) to bring in a collection of 100 small items.

March 4-8-March break


Thank you for your support!


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