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October 14
COVID Update from David McTimoney

Good Evening ASD-W Families,

Here are a few updates of interest.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) has updated the "Return to School – Direction for School Districts and Schools" document.  Please remember that this is a living document and changes, at time, in response to the pandemic.  This link will take you to the EECD page where the document is kept: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/education.html

The following changes have been made to the document:  

  • COVID-19 symptoms – updates include reference to the new online tool for self-assessment “Get Tested”.
  • Appendix D2- Sanitization of a School Bus during a Pandemic - The appendix has been updated to clarify the bus cleaning procedures.
  • Appendix I – Community Use of Schools – The appendix has been updated to extend timeline for the suspension of community use to January 2021. 
  • Appendix K – Outbreak management - The appendix has been updated to include the new directive when responding to a confirmed COVID-19 case(s) in a school.

I am also including a document that describes the impact on the school system when the "Orange Level" is in effect, such as it is at this time in Provincial Zones 1 (Moncton/South-East) and 5 (Restigouche/Campbellton).  Please note...the communities within ASD-W are all currently at the "Yellow Level", and the "Orange Level" parameters described in this document do not apply to us at this time.  Those students and staff who have traveled to the zones that are at the "Orange Level" (since it began on the Thanksgiving Weekend) must follow some additional protocols as described in this document:  ORANGE LEVEL 2020.10.15 FINAL.docx 

Please continue to encourage your children to follow good hygiene practices...washing their hands, coughing and sneezing into their elbow and wearing a mask when they are required to do so!

Thank you,

David McTimoney, Superintendent​



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