FEC Leo Hayes High School > School News > Posts > ELPA and ELP Reassessment

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April 23
ELPA and ELP Reassessment

​Leo Hayes will be invigilating the English Language Proficiency Assessment April 26th-May 3rd.

Teachers have been practicing with students who will be taking the assesment. Students can access the practice at home by logging into their student account through office.com and entereing elpa21 in the search bar. A link to the practice will appear. They login to the practice with the student id: nblearner and the password purple+297=Monkey. Grades 11 and 12 students that need to complete the assessment will do so Monday (M-Z) and Tuesday (A-L) in the small gym periods 1-3. Students need to bring a charged laptop and wear their mask.

Grade 9 students will write with their English teachers the mornings of April 26-May 3. Students need to bring a charged laptop.Gr 9 ELPA.PNG


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