FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo-Saturday, February 18th 2017
February 19
School Memo-Saturday, February 18th 2017

Memo to Garden Creek Parents & Guardians

Saturday, February 19th 2017 ​

I am hoping that this week finds us back to a normal schedule at the Creek. We know that the storm days resulted in lost learning for students, so staff will be working hard at ensuring all essential outcomes are covered throughout the rest of the year.


100th Day Creeker Food DriveThis week we will begin our 100th day Food Drive, as per the notice you received.  If you could... Kindergarten: peanut free granola bars, Grade 1: Pasta of any kind  Grade 2: Pasta Sauce ( cans preferred), Grade 3: lunch snacks  Grade 4: Cereal and oatmeal  Grade 5: Canned Goods  - Thank you!!!


Fluoride Permission Slipsplease pass these in if you have not yet done so. We will probably delay our start by a week due to the storm days causing disruptions in routines etc.


Parent Perception Survey - if you have not had the chance to complete this.. here is your homework . Thanks for your support!  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GCSParents


Professional Learning Day this Friday -  At this point,  we are still anticipating a Provincial Professional Learning Day this coming Friday. Teachers will be focusing on the 10 year plan, learning about  assessment strategies through a book study, sharing how they have been engaging students through outcome focused centers, and their work thus far in formative assessment practices.  There will be no school for students.


Dates to keep in mind:



Tuesday , February 21 -  100th DAY !:)         

                                        Home and School Meeting

Wednesday, February 22nd - Pink Shirt Day

Thursday, February 23 - Kindergarten Lunch

Friday, February 24thProfessional Learning Day for Staff - no school

Saturday February 25th - Regional Spelling Bee in Saint John  :)


Monday, February 27th - K-2s to the Playhouse to see Moon Mouse ( 9:30 - 11:10)

Tuesday, February 28th - PSSC meeting

Thursday March 2 - Kindergarten Lunch


March Break - March 6th - 10th


Have a great week! :)


Katherine Campbell

Garden Creek Elementary
453-5409  (c) 259-0588
"Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!"

Mission Statement: Garden Creek School strives to provide a safe, caring learning environment where everyone feels accepted and can develop their full potential.
Vision Statement: Garden Creek School students will develop the skills to become enthusiastic lifelong learners and caring active citizens of their communities.


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