FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo-February 14th 2017
February 14
School Memo-February 14th 2017

Memo to Garden Creek Parents & Guardians

Tuesday, February 14th 2017 

Happy Valentine's Day, Creeker Families,


Well we certainly had our fill of winter this week and there seems to be more to come on Thursday! On a positive note, the hills are great for sliding and at least there is no apparent ice!


A couple of notes for this week:


Home and School Reminder: This is Staff Appreciation Week  :) Our Home and School, is providing a lovely lunch for our staff tomorrow and I know we are all looking forward to it!  If you want to recognize a staff member, this would be especially the week to do it. Please know that we certainly appreciate all of our families as well!


Movie NightThat was supposed to be this Friday. Considering the weather ( past and future!)  and lack of time to prepare, it MAY be postponed to a later date. The Home and School is discussing this now and we will update you in the next couple of days.


Parent Perception Survey - if you have not had the chance to complete this.. here is your homework ! Thanks for your support!  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GCSParents


100th Day Food Drive Challenge - please see the attachment! We will be having a food drive to celebrate 100th day . This will run from Feb 20th to the 27th.



More to come in the next couple of days!


Stay safe on the roads :)





Katherine Campbell
Garden Creek Elementary
453-5409  (c) 259-0588
"Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!"

Mission Statement: Garden Creek School strives to provide a safe, caring learning environment where everyone feels accepted and can develop their full potential.
Vision Statement: Garden Creek School students will develop the skills to become enthusiastic lifelong learners and caring active citizens of their communities.​


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