FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > Creeker Family Memo #33 - Week of May 10th 2021
May 07
Creeker Family Memo #33 - Week of May 10th 2021

​Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians​

Good afternoon Creeker Families and a special greeting  for Mother’s Day to all our mothers out there 😊 We hope you have a beautiful and memorable day!! I think I saw a few gifts coming your way…


As I add in dates ahead, I can’t believe that in 3 weeks, it will be our last month of school for 2020-2021. Stay tuned for any special events, virtual or otherwise coming up. In the meantime,  we are into our homestretch ..  in the next 6 weeks, teachers will continue to “go hard” with their students to support them in learning!


New Principal – I would like to welcome Alex Yaychuck as the new Principal for the 2021 school year.  Over the past few years, Alex has served as Interim Principal as well as Vice-Principal at Nashwaaksis Memorial. I am sure the Creeker Community will benefit from his insights and leadership that he will bring to the school. I will be working with him to ensure a smooth transition for the fall.


Home and School Scott’s Nursery Fundraiser – if you would like some beautiful plants or other planting needs, you can support the school at the same time. For every gift card purchased, 20% will go to the school! Please see the attachment for more details. Happy potting!  This fundraiser runs until May 28th.    What a great idea for Mother’s Day!!  2021 spring fundraiser garden creek school.pdf2021 spring fundraiser garden creek school.pdf

Moving in or out of our School or in or out of French Immersion? IF any families know they are moving, or you know any families that are moving into our zone, if you could please let us know. Also, if any students are considering transferring into or out of French immersion please let us know. A change of just one student can affect our class organization, so it is imperative that we know about these changes as soon as possible.   Thank you!


Hot Lunch:  we have one more week of Fadi’s ( please send in utensils for your child.)  Papa John’s  ordering on Cashless  closes this Monday at 5 pm.


Dates Ahead ( highlighted are new)

This Week

 Sun May 9 – Happy Mother’s Day!

Mon May 10 – Papa Johns cycle 2 due on school cash

Tues May 11 – Fadi’s hot lunch


Coming up


Week of May 17 – 28 : Grade 4  Provincial Reading assessments

Mon May 17 – No school – Branch meetings for teachers

Tues May 18 – Papa John’s hot lunch / Home and School Meeting 6:30 pm om TEAMS


Mon May 24 – Victoria Day – no school

Tues May 25 – Papa John’s hot lunch / PSSC meeting on TEAMS 6:30 pm

Fri May 28 – Scott’s Nursery Fundraiser ends


Wed June 2 – Virtual World’s UNBound presentations to classes


Wed June 16 –  Virtual World’s UNBound


Wed June 23 ( afternoon )  – Grade 5 ‘celebration “ – more to come but “graduation” will be drive up format again this year

Fri June 25 – last day for students


Katherine Campbell


Garden Creek School

Tel. No: ( 506) 453-5409

Cell (506) 259 – 0588



“ Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker! “


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