FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo #24-Friday, February 21st, 2020
February 21
School Memo #24-Friday, February 21st, 2020

Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians

As we move into the last week before March Break, we have lots on the go – both in learning and in fun! This week is filled with Ws.. Winterlude and Week of Wonder.


Week of Wonder – throughout the week, students will be participating in the interest groups that they chose. These will be both educational as well as fun and we will be looking forward to watching them in action as well as viewing any products that the make and skills that they learn during these groupings.


Winterlude – please see attachment on the themes or activities taking place this week. A reminder that Monday students can wear school colours or school clothing! Thank you to our Winterlude Committee for organizing this and for the support from Tim Horton’s for providing hot chocolate!


Yearbook -  Order forms were sent home. Due on March 10th.


Transferring Schools? An early call for school year 2020-2021 .. if you plan on  next year your child transferring schools ( either elementary or to a  middle school other than George), please let us know as soon as possible . This info helps with our enrollment projections going forward


100th Day Food Challenge – Thank you to all for your support in this food drive. Thanks to your families, 450 items were collected for Greener Village! The winning grade is grade 1 with 133 items collected. Way to Share!!!


Hot Lunch  - Cycle 5 of Chartwell’s ordering  is live on school cash. The deadline to order is February 26th .


This Week ( highlighted is new)


WEEK of WONDER and Winterlude – Week of February 24 – 28

Mon Feb 24 –  Creeker Clothing or School Colours /3 B to Greener Village 9 – 10:50 AM/ K-2 to Playhouse 9:30 – 11:15  / Interest groups

                                                          1-1:45 / Girls Coding club and Lego Robotics after school


Tues Feb 25 –  Favorite Jersey Day! / Interest groups 10:30 – 12:00/  Bagel Hot lunch / PSSC 6:30 pm

Wed Feb 26 – Pink Shirt  Day / Interest Groups 10:30 – 12:00 / Orders due for Chartwell’s Cycle 5

Thurs Feb 27 – PJ Day ! /  Interest Groups 10:30 – 12:00 / Chartwell’s Hot Lunch

Fri Feb 28 –  Summer Beach Day! /Interest Groups 8:30 – 10:00 / Fit Friday in the gym in the afternoon




Mon Mar 9 – term 3 milk orders go live on school cash / Grade 1 T to Greener Village 9:30 – 10:45 / Lego Robotics after school

Mar 10 - yearbook orders due

Wed Mar 11 – 1A and 1E to Superstore / EA PLC/ Gr 1-2 FI PLC 3:00

Fri Mar 13 – Milk orders due on cashless/ 3G to Greener Village 9 – 11 AM


Mon Mar 16 – Grade 2 F to Greener Village 9 – 10:45 / Girls coding club/ Lego Robotics

Tues Mar 17 – STEAM Expo at the Currie Centre ( 9:30 -3:00) for students participating/ Home and School Meeting 6:30 pm

Thurs Mar 19 – Grade 5s to FHS for Orchestra Performance ( 10:00 – 11:15 AM)

Fri Mar 20 – Grade 4B to Greener Village 9 – 10:30 / School Clothing orders due



Katherine Campbell


Garden Creek School



Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!



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