FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo # 14-Monday, December 2nd, 2019
December 02
School Memo # 14-Monday, December 2nd, 2019

Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians

Good afternoon, Creeker families,

December is coming in very merrily with some  not very merry weather – please be safe on the roads as you enjoy what the season has to offer.


Wreaths and Poinsettias Pick Up Rescheduled  Due to the possible storm day tomorrow, we are rescheduling the pick- up of wreaths, poinsettias and Christmas cactus. The time on Wednesday will remain the same 11-1, but we will change the Tuesday pickup to Thursday 10-11 and 2-4. If you have and friends or family who planned on picking up but are not part of the email list or on our Facebook group please inform them of the changes.  Pick up location is by the music room


Chapter’s Night Rescheduled to this WednesdayDue to the possible storm tomorrow, we are rescheduling Chapter’s Night, including the performance by our choir, to this coming Wednesday, December 4th. The choir will perform at 6 pm and the night runs from 6 to 9 pm. 15%  of  all sales go directly to our school so please bring your family and friends out to get some shopping done, support our school and listen to our beautiful choir!  


Angel Tree – Thank you so much to those Creekers who have supported our Creekers Helping Creekers Angel Tree. All angels and the funds are due back by this Friday, December 6th so that items can be purchased. Thank you! HO HO HO!


Did you Know??  Composting has started in ten classes.! Food scraps are being collected and transferred to a larger outdoor compost bin on a daily basis . The bin will be picked up at the end of  each  week by a local composter. Each month ,pick-ups will cost $30 and every 5 weeks a  new package of large compost bags  will be needed ( $10.00) . If you or your organization would like to sponsor a month, please let us know! A tax receipt can be issued for sponsorship above $25.00  Exciting adventures are in the making  as we move along the Eco-school route and being greener.  


Milk Orders and Container Recycling – As previously mentioned, our milk containers cannot be recycled at school and this has a huge consequence in trying to be more environmentally aware in our school community. If you plan on ordering milk for your child the second term, please note we plan on sending the containers home  in hopes that they will be recycled in your home bins.   Milk orders can be placed starting on December 9th on Cashless schools


Dates to Remember  ( highlighted is new from last week)


This Week:

Tues Dec. 3 – pizza hot lunch

Wed Dec 4 - Wreath and poinsettia pick up 11 – 1  / Chapter’s Night 6 – 9 pm choir singing at 6:20 pm

Thurs Dec 5 – Wreath and poinsettia pick up 10 -11 and 2-4 / last day for Lego Robotics after school

Fri Dec 6 – Angel Tree angels and funds due in to the office


Dates Ahead :

Mon Dec 9 – Term 2 Milk orders go live on cashless schools until the 13th

Tues Dec 10 – Last Tuesday hot lunch before Christmas

Thurs Dec 12 – Grade 4 B to the Art Gallery 10 AM – 12 pm/  Last Thursday for hot lunch before Christmas

Fri Dec 13 – last day to place order for milk on cashless schools


Tues Dec. 17 – Garden Creek Christmas Concert 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM

Thurs Dec. 19 – Storm date for Christmas concert / Last day for milk/ Grade 3-5 choir performing at Shannex from 10:30 – 11:30 am

Fri Dec 20 -  Last day before holidays!  


Tues Jan 7 – First day back for students/ milk program begins ( and containers go home)/ pizza hot lunch

Thurs Jan 9 – Chartwell’s hot lunch


Tues Jan 14 – grade 4 FI to Quatermain Earth Science 9 – 11:30 AM


Tues Jan 21 – Home and School Meeting 6:30 pm

Fri Jan 24 – UNB Southside Schools  Hockey Night! ( more to come)


Mon Jan 27 – Professional Learning Day – No School for students

Tues Jan 28 – PSSC meeting 6:30 pm

Fri Jan 31 – Earth Rangers Presentation 1 – 2 pm







Katherine Campbell


Garden Creek School



Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!​ 


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