FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo # 15 - Monday, December 18th, 2017
December 18
School Memo # 15 - Monday, December 18th, 2017

Memo to Garden Creek Parents & Guardians

Good Morning Creeker Families,
We are into our last week of school before the break. I want to take this time to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year! I have appreciated your support over the fall and, know that our Admin Team and staff will continue to move our school forward as they support students in their learning and growth. 
Angel Tree and Feed a Family! - Creekers went above and beyond! Our families were very well supported this Christmas and so were others beyond our school. Creekers raised $955 for the CBC Feed a Family campaign AND brought in both many monetary donations, gift items and food for these families. Thank you!!
Milk  and Hot Lunch- a reminder that there is no milk this week and this is the last week for hot lunch. Based on the surveys you completed, Home and School, in conjunction with Admin, are making decisions on the next round in the new year and will advise you shortly.
This Week:
Tues Dec 19th - PSSC  - CANCELLED
Wed Dec 20th - Art Richard Christmas Performance 9:00 am
Thurs. Dec 21st - Last hot lunch for 2017 !
Fri. Dec 22nd - Last day - DISMISSAL 11:00 AM!  (Carols at 9!)
H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S  !!
Mon. Jan 8th - First day back for students / Milk Order forms go out  
Fri. Jan 12th - Milk Orders due
Mon Jan 15 - Milk starts
Tues. Jan 16th - Home and School 6:30 pm
Thurs. Jan 18th - Anne Scott here for Writers in the Schools program
Mon. Jan 22nd - EYE-DA assessments for our new K  2018 students
Tues. Jan 23rd - PSSC 6:30 pm
Katherine Campbell
Garden Creek Elementary
453-5409  (c) 259-0588
"Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!"
Mission Statement: Garden Creek School strives to provide a safe, caring learning environment where everyone feels accepted and can develop their full potential.
Vision Statement: Garden Creek School students will develop the skills to become enthusiastic lifelong learners and caring active citizens of their communities.


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