FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > CCull Update for Jan 20, Thursday 2022
January 20
CCull Update for Jan 20, Thursday 2022

​CCull Update for Jan 20, Thursday 2022​


Covering Snells Law (light Refraction) + examples

Sheet on Snell's law # 1 to 6 due Friday night.

Physics 112 Refraction 15 questions

Refraction of Light Intro and Sample Problem Lesson Part 1 - YouTube​


Answer any questions on sheet from yesterdayacceleration 8 ques + 3.

Physics Quiz today 2 pages on 10.3 to 10.7 in textbook - V-T graphs and acceleration.

Here is the link to the quiz document (2pages) and to a blank graph in word.

sci10_physics_quiz_on_10.3_10.4_10.5_10.7 VER 2​

1-4_inch graph paper


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