FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > CCull Post for Friday 17th.....work due on MONDAY dec 20Th
December 17
CCull Post for Friday 17th.....work due on MONDAY dec 20Th

​CCull Post for Friday 17th.....work due on MONDAY dec 20Th


Wtched the 30 min video on Waves by Paul Hewitt with fill in sheet.

Did Waves Intro.

f =1/T..................Universal wave equation with examples.

Sheet of 10 questions on waves due Monday.


Gave back Chem Unit Tests.

Reviewed BL 9.5 b------average spped on runners.​

Worked on Page 358 # 3,4,5,6,7,8 V = d/t problems.........due MONDAY.


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