FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > CCull WORK DUE FOR Tuesday 18thA/ and Wed 19th B
May 14
CCull WORK DUE FOR Tuesday 18thA/ and Wed 19th B

​CCull WORK DUE FOR Tuesday 18th A/ and Wed 19th B​


QUIZ today on up to symmetrical projectiles as you have been told already.

I am not collecting the 8 symmetrical questions as we are having the quiz.

The last 6 ASYMMETRICAL ques are due next day and there will be a test on all Projectiles.


Continuing to work on V = d/t

Went over BL sheet 9.5 A

Gave out 9.5 B for seatwork.

Gave sound/light sheet as homework for next day.


In innovation lab working on boat project.


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