FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > CCull work for FRI Oct 2(A) MON Oct 5(B) Sci10 and P112
September 30
CCull work for FRI Oct 2(A) MON Oct 5(B) Sci10 and P112

Just a heads up that I have finally activated TEAMS for my classes and will in the next week or so start to communicate with you through TEAMS.​


Today we went over the v-t graphs 5,6,7. 

Review graphs were given out and worked on.Test was delayed to Next week TUE and WED.

Graph 8 and review v-t graph due next day.


TEST on 5.1 and 5.5 Chem was given back as was worksheet on 5.1

We covered Polyatomic Ions.

Sheet 5.9 Polyatomic practice was given and is due next day (FRI/MON)

Watch the following two videos before next class:::




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