FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > Wednesday, March 27th
March 27
Wednesday, March 27th

Students were introduced to their March portfolio piece and the many options available to them in completing this piece.

Student must find a non-written way to represent themselves creatively. This project should focus on something that is extremely important to the student (showing a great personal connection). It could be a hobby or sport they are passionate about, something representing their friends and family, culture, their favorite things, the possibilities are endless! The two key points are that when I look at it, I should understand the theme and feel the personal connection- and students were shown many examples in class today of what to do and what not to do.

Some examples include (but are not limited to): posters, power point, building models or dioramas, painting, photo essay, song-writing, etc.

Students will have time in tomorrow's class to work on this, and they should come prepared with materials and/or technology necessary to work on the project.


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