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July 28
Awards Information
In order to be eligible for FHS In-House awards, prizes and scholarships, students must be enrolled in a full course load, meet the requirements of the FHS attendance policy and attempt all final examinations.
Please note: Each award has criteria listed within the application.  Please download each application and review the criteria carefully before submitting an application.

July 04
Welcome to your Blog!

To begin using your site, click Create a Post under Blog Tools.

What is a Blog?

A Blog is a Web site designed to help you share information related to a particular subject area in the form of text, images, links, and other media such as video. Blogs can be used as team sites, news sites, journals, diaries, and more.

Blog posts usually consist of frequent short postings and are typically displayed in reverse chronological order (newest entries first). Blogs encourage site visitors to interact with one another by leaving comments on posts.

Blogs can be also be used as a team communication tool. Keep team members informed by providing a central place for links and relevant news.