KVHS Early Childhood Learning Centre
At KVHS, we offer two courses that educate our students about early childhood: Early Childhood Services 110, 120 and Child Studies 120. Grade 11 and 12 students can take these courses and experience what it would be like to work in an Early Childhood Learning Center. Our program varies from year to year, considering the EECD regulations and our ever-changing climate.
Please contact the school office to speak to or email the teacher in charge of these programs (847-6200)
If you would like to register for the Early Learning Center with Mrs. Hachey for fall of 2022, please
click here.
Fall 2022
The Early Learning Center will open mid October and run Tuesdays and Thursdays for 9-10 weeks. Our hours are 10:20 am until 12:20 pm. You can enter the early learning center through the designated door (separate entrance at the front of the school surrounded by a chain link fence and gardens). Snack will be provided. Please be sure to have outdoor clothes and a change of clothes for your child every day. Masks must be worn. The fee will be $125 for the entire 10 weeks. We look forward to meeting everyone. Once the registration form is submitted you will be considered a member and we will see you in October. Thank you.
Thank you,
S Case