Rothesay High
Anglophone South School District Skip Navigation LinksHome > Rothesay High > School Improvement Plan
1.    All staff will encourage and work toward opportunities to improve communication between RHS and the local community through the use of social media and student involvement
a.    Staff will receive in-service on social media platforms and encourage participation in at least one outlet: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twiducate….
b.    RHS will increase its social media presence to improve communication with students and parents.  i.e. School website, Twitter account, and Facebook page.
c.    Parents will be advised of the benefits of Edline through Open House, Parent/Teacher Interviews, and phone calls home. Emphasis will be on the importance of the participation in this program to enhances communication between home and school.
2.    All staff will work to seek opportunities within the community to share varied skill sets with the students at RHS either personally or through digital means.
a.    The Community Schools Coordinator will provide a minimum of three lunch hour activities per semester and promote community driven involvement.
b.    Teachers will seek out more opportunities for partnerships with local post-secondary institutions or outside agencies that offer authentic learning experiences.
c.    The Leadership Team will create and facilitate a mentorship program that matches student interest with local establishments for career experience.
3.    At least 50% of the classes at RHS will commit to a local community project through mentoring, volunteering, and community service.
a.     Through discussion with SPRs and PLC groups, teachers will create a plan for student service within the community.
1.    Teachers and administration will increase the opportunity for students to take a variety of courses.
a.     When scheduling, create a Renaissance schedule that encourages students to enjoy all avenues of the high school experience.
b.    Students will be given a stronger voice in the course offering at Rothesay High by finding opportunities for student input on course offerings and interests.
c.    A course fair will be created for students to give the opportunity to see what opportunities are available at the school.
d.     All teachers and staff will do a better job of promoting courses and opportunities within the building.
2.    Every student will have the opportunity for growth by participating in extra-curricular activities.
3.    Teachers and administration will work towards creating an environment of awareness for all job opportunities, inclusive of academic and trade courses.
a.    RHS will work together to encourage a higher profile of the Co op program in the building.
b.    will create and facilitate a mentorship program that matches student interest with local establishments for career experience.
c.    Placements within the community- would you take a student?
d.    Have an Open House before course selections to profile opportunities.
e.    Each student will be tracked for career planning purposes- PDCP, PACE, student profiles.
f.     Weekly time- Advisory?
g.    The return of past students for career planning is important for current students.
1.    PLEP for RHS
1. Staff will revisit expected behaviours at the beginning of each semester.
2.  Guidance and ESST will work to promote all sources of outside support to students.
3.  RHS will continue to improve and develop an attendance policy that meets the needs of both staff and students.
4.  RHS will continue to encourage and develop activities that promotes staff and students wellness.
2.    Increase and promote options available to students who may be struggling emotionally, socially, and academically.
1.    RHS will embrace and promote the LINK program.
2.    Staff will promote the Respect Ed: Beyond the Hurt program in their classrooms.
3.    ESST will visit classes and explain their role in the building and give suggestions on how they can help students.  The starting point for this will be with the grade nine classrooms.
3.    Increase communication with staff and parents regarding student information and interventions available using the Response to Interventions (RtI) model.
1.     ESST will create and share a student profiling system that is updated regularly.  Teachers and students will be consulted for information.
2.    Increase communication between grade levels regarding academics and behaviour.
3.    ESST will create and promote a new referral process that is comprehensive, yet easy to follow.
4.    Staff will contribute, and refer to, the RHS pyramid of intervention. (attached)
1.    Implementation of cross-curricular literacy, numeracy and science initiatives.
a.     Teachers of grades 9 and 10 will continue to incorporate grade-wide literacy initiatives
(Stepping Out)
b.    Teachers will participate in an assigned cross-curricular PLC.  These will meetings will take place as job-embedded PD during assemblies and other special circumstances.
c.    District mentors will be used during PLC meetings and will model lessons that incorporate key literacy, numeracy and science skills in all subject areas.
d.    All teachers will work toward having students produce various writing formats. 
2.   Develop and promote consistent use  PLCs framework to include flexible instruction groups which are varied, inclusive, and data informed.
a.     The leadership team will create cross curricular PLC groups that will meet as job-embedded PD.
b.    The leadership team will generate information for groups to use to initiate data driven, best instructional practices. 
c.    Data from common exams, ELPA, Advanced Placement and other assessments will be made available to PLC groups.
3.   Creation of a flexible and robust timetable which will encourage growth and achievement for all students.
a.    The leadership team will meet with students to help them to make choices with regards to course selection.
b.    Students will be encouraged to enroll in various courses, which will both challenge and engage them.
c.    The school timetable will be developed with an intention of placing students in a suite of courses suited to their needs and abilities.