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Anglophone South School District
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A Parent Guide for Addressing Bullying in New Brunswick Schools
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Classroom Wish lists
2Boudreau Classroom Wish List
3Noseworthy Classroom Wish List
4MacPherson Classroom Wish List
5Bryden Classroom Wish List
5Jordan Classroom Wish List
K Langille Classroom Wish List
Rothesay Elementary School
Page Content
School Administration
Ms. Sarah Blanchard
Mrs. Melanie Koteff Backman
Community School Coordinator
Mrs. Laurie Rans
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Jeanette McLenaghan
Acting Vice Principal
Kindergarten Teachers
Mrs. MacGougan
Ms. Langille
Mrs. Beks
Ms. Clarke
Grade 1 Teachers
Mme Hannah
Grade 1
Ms. Kitchen
Grade 1
Mrs. Thibodeau
Grade 1
Mme Vey
Grade 1
Grade 2 Teachers
Mme Boudreau
Grade 2
Mrs. Lee
Grade 2
Ms. Picardi
Grade 2
Mme Roberts
Grade 2
Mrs. Steeves
Grade 2
Grade 3 Teachers
Mme Kueppers
Grade 3
Mme LeBlanc
Grade 3
Mrs. Tilley
Grade 3
Mrs. Noseworthy
Grade 3
Grade 4 Teachers
Mme Chowdhry
Grade 4
Mme Crowley
Grade 4
Mrs. MacPherson
Grade 4
Mrs. Thompson
Grade 4
Grade 5 Teachers
Mme Bryden
Grade 5
Mme Crowley
Grade 5
Ms. Jordan
Grade 5
Mme Pascon-Reid
Grade 5
Specialty Teachers
Mrs. Burnham
Mme Culligan
Physical Education
Mr. Ferguson
Physical Education
Ms. Hamilton
AST - K to 2
Mrs. Hossack
Ms. Jones
ESS - Resource
Mrs. Kiervin
AST - 3 to 5
Ms. Lisson
Mr. McQuaid
Physical Education
Ms. Nesbitt
Mrs. Pitt
PE-Outdoor Learning
Mme Renouard
French Language Assistant
Educational Assistants
Mrs. Barriault
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Bizeau
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Buckley
Educational Assistant
Mr. Cyr
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Dorcas
Educational Assistant
Mr. Estabrooks
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Foster
Educational Assistant
Ms. Knudson
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Kyle
Educational Assistant
Ms. Lamb
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Legere
Education Assistant
Mrs. Maynard-Mollins
Educational Assistant
Mrs. McAloon
Behaviour Intervention Mentor
Ms. Morrison
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Scott
Educational Assistant
Ms. Spencer
Educational Assistant
Ms. Thomson
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Ward-Gordon
Educational Assistant
Custodial Staff
Ms. Asbridge
Mr. Burhoe
Mr. Hook
Temp. Custodian
Mr. Wilkins
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