Rothesay Elementary School
Anglophone South School District Skip Navigation LinksHome > Rothesay Elementary School > School Supplies
 2024-2025 School Supplies


School supplies will be purchased by the homeroom teacher with parents required to pay a $65 student fee through school cash online  (Note:  This will be available after July 15, 2024 on SchoolCash Online)  The school fee covers the cost of your child’s school supplies and two school-wide performances.  


We ask parents to provide the following items:

Indoor sneakers (non-marking soles)
Lunch box
Personal Water Bottle (labelled with name)
3 boxes of tissues
1 box of Ziploc bags
Headphones/earbuds (whichever your child prefers - labelled and sent in a Ziploc bag)



Thank you!  

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