Pages: Alumni

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Page Content: Simonds High School Alumni
As the year comes to an end, the Simonds High School alumni committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated their time and talents to our alumni team. If it weren’t for the handful of individuals who take their time in helping with events, involvement with the school and fundraisers, we would not be where we are today. It is because of people like you that we are what we are - a group of caring past-graduates who still love their school and want current students to enjoy their time there as much as we did. Through fundraisers, we are able to help some students each year with a donation of a scholarship to aid them in their future dreams and goals. That said, the Alumni is looking for volunteers! Lending a hand not only fosters community well-being, but is sure to be a rewarding experience. We are seeking a variety of individuals; we’re looking for all alumni, professions, talents and interests. We are not asking for much of your time. One hour per month for our meetings and you can decide with which activities you’d like to assist. We are a small group and appreciate any time that you can give. We are looking for new ideas and new opportunities. If you think you have something to offer our small group, we would love to hear from you! Drop by one of our meetings or get in touch with one of our alumni committee members listed below; let us know how you can help. Thank you for taking the time to consider this exciting opportunity. Your future help will be greatly appreciated, and, like many current volunteers, you will find the volunteer experience to be a rewarding one.




         Tammy (Vautour) Conley


         Simonds High Alumni Committee



The Alumni is looking for your input.  What kind of events would you like to see this year?  You can cantact anyone on our Alumni Committee or you can send an email to with your ideas.  We also have a Facebook page where you can connect with other graduates and keep up on what's going on!  Find us under "Simonds High School Alumni."
Alumni Contacts:

Tammy (Vautour) Conley
Jill Eckstone
Judy Chapman
Sabra (Dallon) Howe
Colleen Nobles
Jane Buck
Chris Bartlett
Kara (Nobles) McCann
Joleen (Searle) Elder
Mike Vincent
Mallory Ross

Brianne Walton

Caitlin Robertson


Alumni Newsletter:
The Alumni Newsletter is published a few times a year.  Please click below to view any past newsletters.
Alumni Newsletter - May 2022.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2021.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2021.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2020.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2020.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2019.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - April 2019.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2018.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - November 2018.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2018.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - April 2018.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2017.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - September 2017.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2017.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - March 2017.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2016.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - October 2016.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2016.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - March 2016.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2015.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - October 2015.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2015.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - March 2015.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2014.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - October 2014.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - May 2014.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2013.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - October 2013.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - December 2012.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - June 2012.pdf
Alumni Newsletter - April 2012.pdf

Simonds Memorial Grove:
In the Simonds High School Memorial Grove, trees are planted in memory of a student, teacher, group, friend or family member or to celebrate a certain grad class.  Our Memorial Grove has been growing and looks awesome!  In fact, the grove is almost full; only a couple more trees will be planted to allow space for the ones there to mature.  The grove (of Princeton Golden Norway Maple trees) is located outside the gym and continues down the school driveway by the playing field.  When the leaves are out, the golden colour of the leaves glistens in the sun; gold is one of the school colours.  A new sign on the side of the school identifies the grove.  Each tree has special significance and tells a story of a life cut short or a class remembered.
Individual alumni or classes planning future reunions are invited to consider placing a memorial tree in the grove.  It is such a beautiful way in which to remember a classmate/friend/family member.  To commemorate each tree, a plaque with name plates honors those remembered.  In addition, a picture and short biography will be placed in our Wall of Remembrance along with the plaque.  The display case for this remembrance is in the lobby across from the school theatre. With fluctuating prices and availability, the cost of a tree will be market value.  If you wish to donate a tree, please contact Judy Chapman ( or any member of the SHS Alumni Committee (on page 1).  Thank you to all who have donated trees in memory of friends and family.   We appreciate your support of the grove!
Simonds High Scholarship Fund:
The Simonds High Scholarship Fund has been in existence for many years. Money from that fund has been used to recognize numerous excellent Simonds graduates and offer them some funds toward their post-secondary education - whether it be a university, community college or another educational institution. Any assistance is appreciated by the students. As a student at Simonds, you may have even been a recipient of this funding. The Simonds Alumni Committee donates money each year to use for scholarships from this fund. Many people donate to the SHS Scholarship fund in memory of a loved one who has passed away; what a great way to "pay-itforward"! If you wish to donate to this fund and "give back" to your school, you may send your donation to The Simonds High School Scholarship Fund, 1490 Hickey Rd., Saint John, NB., E2J 4E7. An income tax receipt will be issued for your donation. Thank you in advance for your support of your school!
Old Yearbooks!
Still searching for that special gift for a friend, relative, or even yourself? The Simonds Alumni Committee still has yearbooks from most years (only a few years are sold out). What a memorable gift that would make! Where else can you get such a special gift for $35 and up (no tax) for yearbooks up to and including 2014? (Newer years may cost slightly more).  For more information or to see if your year is still available contact Judy Chapman at

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Created at 1/20/2014 10:07 AM by joel.brown
Last modified at 6/13/2022 1:45 PM by joel.brown
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