Lunch Orders

The staff of your local school cafeteria would like to welcome all new students to the school and also would like to say welcome back to all the returning students.  We are happy to be serving your children with nutritious balanced foods.
We would like to inform you that this year Elementary Hot Lunch Orders will be strictly online ordering only. We would like to strongly encourage online ordering for the whole school. This would help Middle School children receive their hot lunches quickly and this would allow them to have more time to eat and socialize. This would also help with the loss of lunch money and/or spending too much. You as a parent can control what they eat. You can make sure they get a meal that you think is appropriate for them. Also you can order for more than one child no matter what grade they are in.
It is a very easy process to order online. Payment methods are Debit and credit cards. If there is any School Cancellation’s (snow storm days) or if you child is out of school due to an illness then you can apply for a credit.  A credit would be the amount for your child’s food for the day your child was not in school due to an illness or if school cancelled. That credit will be waiting for you online for the next time you order. This credit will NOT given to your debit or credit card. 
Come check us out and visit our web site at
You can check out how easy it is to order and you can also check out more about credits.