Parents  play a vital role in the governance of New Brunswick schools, through District Education Councils at the school district level and through  Parent School Support Committees at the school level.


Role of PSSC

  • Advise the Principal on the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan
  • Participate in the selection of the Principal and Vice-Principal(s) 
  • Review results of the School Report Card 
  • Advise principal in development of school policies in accordance with district, and provincial policies 
  • Provide on request of the Superintendent, input on performance evaluation of the principal, vice-principal(s) relating to the PSSC 
  • Communicate with the District Education Council (DEC) relating to PSSC.

Responsibilities of Members

  • Participate in all committee meetings
  • Maintain high ethical standards
  • Respect other Committee members
  • Work collectively toward improved education development, student achievement
  • Limit discussion to matters of concern, in the best interest of the whole school community
  • Work for a positive consensus-building school environment
  • Support open communication
  • Create and strengthens successful relations between parents, teachers, students, school staff, community
  • Encourage all forms of parental involvement and support;
  • Follow principles established by the Committee to achieve goals and objectives identified in the School Improvement Plan
  • Encourages parents to support education