PD On Demand

PD On Demand > Posts > An Overview of Microsoft Lync
December 12
An Overview of Microsoft Lync

Earlier this year, our district switched over to Microsoft Lync from Microsoft Communicator.  Lync is really a melding of Communicator and another Microsoft product called LiveMeeting.  It maintains many of the features of its predecessor and adds some additional ones. 

According to Microsoft, “… Lync provides a single solution that unites voice, IM, audio-, video-, and web conferencing into a richer, more simplified experience.”  Given this, we thought it apt for our first topic in our Live PD On Demand series.  In fact, Lync is the platform we used to broadcast this session live to staff in School District 8.
Other Resources
Special Note:  Playing a video with audio is not natively supported in Lync.  However, we found a great work around using this linkhttp://aspoc.net/archives/2011/11/02/how-to-stream-a-video-into-a-lync-2010-online-meeting/ .  Please see the bottom of the article and use the Editor’s Pick of ‘Use of virtual device’.  This has been tested to work.



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