WEC Southern Victoria High > Guidance > Posts > Scholarships
November 04


Please note that this is a projected list of scholarships for 2020-2021. While it is expected that these scholarships will be offered on a yearly basis, changes may occur within the organization offering the scholarship that may cause variability. The eligibility criteria, dollar value and deadline dates may also vary from year to year. The previous year’s information has been included to provide the viewer with a point of reference. Please visit this scholarship webpage frequently to view updates and revisions. 
This list is not exhaustive; there are many other scholarships and bursaries available to students. Please check the university or college you plan to attend for awards specifically available for enrolled students. Students are encouraged to see their local high school guidance counsellor for information on in-house scholarships and bursaries.
The following websites provide additional scholarship information: www.canlearn.cawww.studentawards.comwww.scholarshipscanada.comwww.studentaid.gnb.ca;  https://ScholarTree.ca​

Please email Mr. Kazakos with any concerns at basil.kazakos@nbed.nb.ca 


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