FEC McAdam Avenue School > Teachers > Posts > Busy Busy Bees!!
October 20
Busy Busy Bees!!

Wow!  This week has flown by and we have been extremely busy learning and having lots of fun too!  Here are the highlights:

You and Your World

  • We have been learning about our NEEDS and WANTS and the difference between the two.  It has been a great learning experience.  They now know that video games and iPhones are not NEEDS because Mrs. Tingley didn’t have them when she was a girl and still made out just fine!  I found it quite comical listening to their rationale as to why we “need” these things.  It was priceless. 
  • ​We have also been learning about fire safety and this was highlighted by a visit from Tilley, the fire dog from the Fredericton Fire Department.   She taught us how important it is to test our smoke detectors and have a family meeting place in case of a fire. 



We have continued on with copying, extending and creating patterns this week and the children have done amazing work at various learning centers.  Please check out the pictures below.



Jolly Phonics - Letter Rr

Bounce Patrol Kids Letter Rr

Jolly Phonics Letter Mm

Bounce Patrol Kids Letter Mm

This week, we have continued on with our Jolly Phonics letters and sounds with Rr and Mm.  We have also learned about syllables and had a lot of fun graphing the syllables in our names and we had fun counting syllables and building towers with Lego.   We introduced two new sight words as well - a and he.  Please continue to practice these words as well as our letters and sounds with your child.  


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