FEC McAdam Avenue School > Teachers > Posts > Week at a Glance March 26-29, 2018
March 25
Week at a Glance March 26-29, 2018

Week at a Glance     March 26-29, 2018                                                                                   Grade ¾

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we head into a short week, please look for lots of important information that will be coming home in Communication Bags. All students have now completed their math assessment for our unit on Multiplication and Division and will be bringing it home to celebrate their successes! On Wednesday, students will also share with you their newest writing piece about a favorite memory. Please check your email for an update about your child’s reading level, as well.


A reminder to please keep any completed and marked worksheets at home for your own information. Please sign and return the math assessment and writing piece marking sheet.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at shaneen.coes@nbed.nb.ca, or call 453-5422 to schedule a meeting.


Mrs. Coes


Upcoming Important Dates:

Monday March 26- Bagel Hot lunch. MAD Science afterschool. Drama practice at lunch. Business Expo Flyers to go home.

Tuesday March 27- NO school for students

Wednesday March 28- Booster Juice provided for all students. Drama afterschool 12-1:30pm. Student- Parent-Teacher conference forms to go home. 

Thursday March 29- Hot lunch pizza

Friday March 30- No school. Good Friday



The homework assigned is an extension of class instruction and meant for extra practice. Completed activities can be kept at home. However, if there is an activity you would like to share with me, please do so. 

Reading- read aloud (even to yourself!) for 20 minutes each night. Complete the reading log each night. Remember to have it signed. Ask a parent or sibling to read to you. Talk to your parents about what you are reading at school this week and what your current reading level is.

Word Work- Students are now working on new lists of words from the Words Their Way program; copies can be found in their Communication Bag. If you would like another copy of how to use these lists at home, please email or send a note J

Numeracy- Practice math facts each night and have someone quiz you if possible. Create or print off a math worksheet to practice multiplication, and then check your answers using a calculator. Grab a deck of cards and challenge someone to a game of Math War or Fastest Facts! All students should also practice telling time at home, to the nearest minute.

 Areas of Focus for March 26-29,  2018 

Writing- This week, students will be sharing their independent writing piece about a favorite memory and will practice responding to a writing prompt as we explore our Writing Center resources.

Word Work- Each student will receive a differentiated list of words for the week and will complete multiple activities to reinforce spelling and knowledge of word patterns. A copy of this list can be found in the Communication Bag.

Numeracy- This week all students begin a new unit in Math: Unit 7 Data Analysis. Students will meet with me in small groups as we explore activities related to collecting, organizing and interpreting data in charts and graphs. Students will also continue to work in small groups to complete activities/games related to multiplication and division.

Social Studies- This week we continue to explore the following themes: Grade 3- how can we learn about the different cultures in our province. Grade 4 -physical features, climate and vegetation of Earth.

                                                            Useful Homework Websites

 Science and Social Studies





 Math www.ca.ixl.com/ 






For worksheets for telling time, measurement and all things literacy and numeracy, check this website out:           www.superteacherworksheets.com.  Create a free account and have access to hundreds of worksheets and activities.​



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