FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a Glance Feb. 15-19
February 12
Week at a Glance Feb. 15-19

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY and FAMILY DAY WEEKEND! It has been a cool week outside, but very heartwarming inside. Our students have focused on caring and showing kindness to others and it has been wonderful to read their recognition notes of their friends. I also would like to say ‘Thank You’ on behalf of the staff for the showing of appreciation this week for staff appreciation from our school families.


Family Day- Monday, February 15 is Family day. There is no school.

Home and School and PSSC Meeting- We will be meeting virtual this week on Wednesday, February 17th. All are welcome to join.

Winter Fun Week- The last week of school leading up to March Break will be our winter fun week. We are still working out details, so please stay tuned.

This week:

Monday, Feb 15- Family Day! No school.

Tuesday, Feb 16- Hot lunch- Great Canadian Bagel. Hot lunch order forms go home.

Wednesday, Feb 17-

Thursday, Feb 18- 100th Day of school (if no weather days)

Friday, Feb 19- Hot Lunch- Papa Johns

Upcoming Dates-

February 22-26- Winter Fun Week

February 22- March Hot Lunch order due

February 24- Pink Shirt Day

March 1-5- March Break

March 8- Bath Shack School Fundraiser Begins

March 17- Green eggs and Ham breakfast. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

March 19- No school Students. PL day for teachers.

Have a wonderful long weekend! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Cynthia Burnett

BA, BEd, Med


McAdam Avenue School

Anglophone School District West

If a child can’t learn the way you teach, then teach in a way so that the child can learn.  ~Unknown.​


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