FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a Glance- February 5-9
February 05
Week at a Glance- February 5-9

Hello MAS families! Happy Groundhog day! The report we got was the groundhog did not see his shadow- YAY! Spring is on it's way, however it doesn't look like that outside and because of it the weekend came early for students. I want to thank you all for making the arrangements today to be able to get your child promptly upon early dismissal. Also, thankful to our hot lunch program for getting meals here before dismissal for students to take home. 

Synervoice- As you may now be aware MAS has synervoice messaging service. This is a recorded message that can be sent out to all contacts phones for notices, important messages, emergencies, etc from the school. If you did not receive a voice recorded message today from the school, please let us. It is also important to keep the school up to date on current phone numbers.  
York Care- This past week on Thursday our grade 2 and grade 5 classes were suppose to visit York Care, however due to the number of students that have been out sick we decided it would be best to postpone this visit. It will be rescheduled for after March Break. 
Afterschool Care- If there is anyone look for afterschool care in the fall, please contact Karen Boyle. She can be reached via email- kajboyle@hotmail.com
Skating- Skating notice will go home on Monday. We want to make sure that students are prepared for that field trip. Please take the time to read it over and then return the bottom portion to your child's teacher. We will be going skating on Thursday, March 1. 
This Week-
Monday Feb 5- New milk starts. Skating notice coming home.   Choir & Drama practice
Tuesday Feb 6 - Great Canadian Bagel. Intramurals. Home and School Meeting 6pm. Please join.
Wednesday Feb 7 – National Winter Walk Day- will be taking a walk around the school. 
Thursday February 8 – Pizza hot lunch. 
Friday February 9- Hot Lunch Tots and Taters
Upcoming Important Dates:
Feb 14- Valentine’s Day- small fruit and veggie tray for all classes.
Feb 15- Grades 1 and 4 York Care
Feb 16- LHHS Clubs
Feb 19- NO school. Family Day J
Feb 22- Grades K and 3 York Care
Feb 26 to March 2- Winter Fun Week
Feb 26- PSSC 6:00pm
Feb 27- ½ Day for students. Dismissal 11:00am.  
Feb 28- Pink Shirt Day- Anti Bullying day
March 1- Skating K-2 at 9:00am and Gr. 3-5 at 10:00am.
March 2- LHHS Clubs
March 5-9- MARCH BREAK
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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