WEC Carleton North High > Guidance > Posts > Parent Information Night for Grade 10 and 11 Parents and Students


January 22
Parent Information Night for Grade 10 and 11 Parents and Students

It’s the time of year when students are selecting courses at CNHS for the upcoming school year.  We know that this also adds some anxiety for parents so there will be a parent and student information meeting for all students going into grade 11 or 12 on Tuesday, February 9th at 7:00pm.  This meeting will include information on the course selection process for next year.  We will describe our process and give you helpful tools to assist your child in planning their course selections.

Today, Friday, January 22nd, grade 10 and 11 students at CNHS received a course selection sheet to use as a research tool to help select courses for the 2016-2017 school year and were told about the upcoming meeting. 
In addition to obtaining information on Course Selection at our Feb 9th meeting, a representative from NBCC will be here to talk about the application process for their campuses.  If your child has any interest in NBCC this meeting is a must for you.  Applications for students thinking about attending NBCC in the fall of 2017 need to be submitted this year April 2016. 
There is lots to do and think about, so we hope to see you on Tuesday, February 9th at 7pm in the theatre.


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