OEC Burton > News > Posts > BES School Clothing - 2nd Chance to Purchase!


January 27
BES School Clothing - 2nd Chance to Purchase!

​Advisng parents and guardians that the clothing site is active once again for any purchases of School t-shirts or hoodies! Only for a limited time though, so get yours today!! 

Remember that the purchase IS a TWO (2) STEP PROCESS.  You place your order on the clothing site THEN make your payment on SchoolCash Online. 

Items are available to order as of Wednesday, January 27th until 11:59pm Friday, February 5th,2021.  If order not placed and paid for prior to that time, it will not not be processed.

Clothing website is:  https://burtonschool.ca/

SchoolCash Online site is: https://anglophonewest.schoolcashonline.com/ 

As always, if you have any questons, please call the school at 506-357-4074.




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