FEC Leo Hayes High School > School News > Posts > SCHOOL START UP

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August 16

Good morning and welcome back (almost) to another school year at Leo Hayes High School.  

School starts up this year will be a little different than in the past.  On Tuesday, September 6, all grade 9 students will attend.  No other students attend that day.  On Wednesday, September 7, all students from grades 9 - 12 will attend. We will have an extended homeroom on each day to give students start up information.  Students will need to be in the school by 8:40 a.m. each day at the latest.  All students should arrive early on their first day as many homeroom locations have changed.  Peer Mentors wil be meeting grade 9's on Day 1 from 8:00 - 8:40 to show them to their homeroom location.  

Just a reminder that we are an open campus so students can go off grounds at lunch, either to go home or find lunch elsewhere.  

Buses will be running on their regular schedule and bus information can be found here: https://asdwbp.nbed.nb.ca/TransportationEligibility.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 457-6898.


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