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September 25
Welcome to Grade 4!, 2020-21

​Hi All,

Welcome to grade 4, it will be a very busy year.  The children are doing well settling in to all the new routines and procedures of going to school in a Pandemic!!  We are currently reviewing Grade 3 outcomes and completing a few Math outcomes from last year.  

 I am looking for a few more forms to be sent back and the student fees.  Please check their homewrok book nightly for any new information or forms.  

My expectations for homework , is to spend no more than 30 minutes nightly.   

I am looking forward to having a great year with your children!!

October 31
October 18
Sept. to Nov. Outcomes
October 07

​Hi All,

Picture form will be sent home tomorrow.

September 27
October Calendar
September 19
Odds and Ends

​HI All,

Book orders- these are due Sept 25th

Schools forms- I only have a few left to come back, thanks

Student Fees- $25 due

Words for this week are- people, who, outside, they, could- we worked on compund words this week and word families

Math- we are reviewing place value, repeaing patterns, counting to 100, skip counting and started increasing patterns- students should know what core, attribue and element mean.


September 19
Messages during day

​Hi All,

If you need to message me during the day and it is urgent, please contact the office and they will let me know.  I generally do not have anytime during the teaching day to check emails as I am working with your children.


Debbie Connolly

September 10
Welcome to Grade Three Connolly for 2019-2020

​HI All.

I will be posting information here that will be a change in schedule and also information that is important.  While the children should have their homework in their communication bag , I will post at the begiinning of the week.  It mostly I will be posting information here that will be a change in schedule and also information that is important.  While the children should have their homework in their communication bag , I will post at the begiinning of the week. homework in their communication bag , I will post at the begiinning of the week. homework in their communication bag , I will post at the begiinning of the week. It is mostly the same, but with special items added.

Week beginning September 9th

Word Wprk- our, could, because, have, into

Math- work on facts to 10

Read for 5 minutes each night to someone

Please read for 5 minutes

Student fees due

Book orders due Sept. 25th

Please return all forms 


Thank you for a great start up, we are making great progress settling down and learning new routines.


August 29
Mrs. Michele Brooks

​Welcome to Grade 1!  I look forward to working with you and your child in upcoming school year!  At the beginning of each month, I will be posting our monthly calendar.  Please check here for monthly events, class outcomes and other important information.  Communicating with families digitally is convenient and allows us to save on photocopying.  However, if you require a hard copy of the monthly calendar, please send me an email at and I will be happy to accomadate your request.  

May 03
May Outcomes
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