OEC Ridgeview > News > Posts > Ministers Excellence in Education Awary Nominations


October 08
Ministers Excellence in Education Awary Nominations

Good afternoon, 

On behalf of EECD, please see the attached 2020 Ministers Excellence in Education Award poster and nomination form Poster Nomination Form .  Please note the upcoming deadline to have completed nomination forms and letters sent to the Office of the Superintendent to the attention of the District Education Council Chairperson, Kimberley Douglass,  is no later than October 23, 2020.   

The nomination form and additional information can be found at the EECD website at: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/education/k12/content/anglophone_sector/awards.html and a nomination form that can be completed electronically is also attached for your convenience.

So, if you know an educator who is making a significant difference in the lives of ASD-W students, then this is a great opportunity to acknowledge their hard work and dedication to their profession.

Thank you!​


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